
Is there any way to find out which node has been used by SELECT statement in Cassandra?

我已经为 spark-cassandra-connector 编写了自定义 LoadBalancerPolicy,现在我想确保它真的有效!

我有一个 Cassandra 集群,有 3 个节点和一个复制因子为 2 的键空间,所以当我们想要检索记录时,cassandra 上只有两个节点保存数据。

问题是我想确保 spark-cassandra-connector(使用我的负载均衡器策略)仍然是令牌感知的,并且会为每个 "SELECT" 语句选择正确的节点作为协调器。

现在,我想如果我们可以在每个节点的 SELECT 语句上写一个触发器,以防节点不保存数据,触发器将创建一个日志,我意识到负载平衡器策略无法正常工作。我们如何在 Cassandra 中写一个触发器 On SELECT ?有没有更好的方法来实现?


Official documentation

Documentation at DataStax

Example implementation in official repo

如果你get routing key for your bound statement (you must use prepared statements), find the replicas for it via Metadata class, and then compare if this host is in the ExecutionInfo你可以从ResultSet.




import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.CassandraConnector
val connector = CassandraConnector.apply(sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf)

现在我们可以定义一个 preparedStatement 并完成剩下的工作:

connector.withSessionDo(session => {

    val selectQuery = "select * from test where id=?"
    val prepareStatement = session.prepare(selectQuery)
    val protocolVersion = session.getCluster.getConfiguration.getProtocolOptions.getProtocolVersion
    // We have to explicitly bind the all of parameters that partition key is based on them, otherwise the routingKey will be null.
    val boundStatement = prepareStatement.bind(s"$id")
    val routingKey = boundStatement.getRoutingKey(protocolVersion, null)
    // We can get tha all of nodes that contains the row
    val replicas = session.getCluster.getMetadata.getReplicas("test", routingKey)
    val resultSet = session.execute(boundStatement)

    // We can get the node which gave us the row
    val host = resultSet.getExecutionInfo.getQueriedHost

    // Final step is to check whether the replicas contains the host or not!!!
    if (replicas.contains(host)) println("It works!")

重要的是我们必须显式绑定分区键基于它们的所有参数(即我们不能在 SELECT 语句中将它们设置为硬编码),否则 routingKey 将是空。