select 包含 Union 的优化

Optimalization of select containing Union

我很容易 select:

define account_id = 7
select * from A where ACCOUNT_ID = &account_id
select * from B where ACCOUNT_ID = &account_id;

我想将 account_id 作为另一个 select 的输入,我是这样做的:

select * from A where ACCOUNT_ID in(select accound_id from ACCOUNTS where EMAIL like '') -- id 7 returned
select * from B where ACCOUNT_ID in(select accound_id from ACCOUNTS where EMAIL like '')

如何将其优化为仅调用 select accound_id from ACCOUNTS where EMAIL like '' 一次?

这就是 WITH 派上用场的地方

WITH ids AS (select account_id from ACCOUNTS where EMAIL like '')
select * from A where ACCOUNT_ID in ids
select * from B where ACCOUNT_ID in ids;

我也改成了UNION ALL,因为这样快多了。

我的第一个问题是 union 是否可以用 union all 代替。所以,我的第一次尝试是使用 existsunion all:

select a.*
from a
where exists (select 1
              from accounts aa
              where aa.account_id = a.account_id and
           = ''
union all
select b.*
from b
where exists (select 1
              from accounts aa
              where aa.account_id = b.account_id and
           = ''

对于此结构,您需要 accounts(account_id, email) 上的索引。 exists 只是在索引中查找值。这确实需要扫描 ab.

如果查询返回少量行并且您想删除重复项,则 union 并替换 union all。如果它返回大量行——并且每个 table 中没有重复项,并且有一种简单的方法来识别重复项——那么你可以改为:

with cte_a as (
      select a.*
      from a
      where exists (select 1
                    from accounts aa
                    where aa.account_id = a.account_id and
                 = ''
select cte_a.*
from ctea_a
union all
select b.*
from b
where exists (select 1
              from accounts aa
              where aa.account_id = b.account_id and
           = ''
             ) and
      not exists (select 1
                  from cte_a
                  where cte_a.? = b.?  -- whatever is needed to identify duplicates