我的函数调用中未声明的标识符 (C++)

Undeclared Identifier in my function call (C++)

我是一名使用 C++ 的新程序员,我正在尝试制作一个程序,将信息从文件导入到输出文件,然后我将对数据执行搜索算法。我正在尝试使用数据结构并将其导入数组,然后在主程序中调用它。

出于某种原因,我无法让我的函数调用正常工作;我在主程序的函数调用中不断收到关于 inputFile 的未声明标识符错误。我意识到我可能做错了根本性的事情,所以我真的很感激能提供的任何帮助。

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

const int    MAX_LOG_SIZE = 7584;
const string LOGFILE ="crimes.dat"; 
const string OUTPUT_FILE ="crimesorted.log";

// Structure of strings based on info from crimes.dat
struct CrimeInfo
    string Crimedescr;
    string Date;
    string Time;
    string Address;
    string Grid;
    string Latitude;
    string Longitude;

CrimeInfo crimeList [MAX_LOG_SIZE];

void openInputFile(ifstream& inputFile, string inputFilename)
// here we open the input file crimes.dat
    while (inputFile.fail())
        cout << "Failed to open input file: " << inputFilename << ".\n";

void getLogEntry(ifstream &LOGFILE, CrimeInfo &entry)
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Date);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Time);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Address);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Grid);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Crimedescr);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Latitude);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Longitude);

/* opens an output file */
void openOutputFile(ofstream& outputFile, string outputFilename)
    if (outputFile.fail())
        cout << "Failed to open output file: " << outputFilename << ".\n";

void outputLogFile(string outputFilename, CrimeInfo arr[], int size)
    // open output files
    ofstream outputLogFile;
    openOutputFile(outputLogFile, outputFilename);

    // output the crime file
    outputLogFile << "\nCrime log sort ^^:\n\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Date << "  ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Address << " (";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Longitude << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Latitude << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Time << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Grid << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Crimedescr << "";
        outputLogFile << endl;

int main()
    outputLogFile(OUTPUT_FILE, crimeList, MAX_LOG_SIZE);
    for (int i =0; i < MAX_LOG_SIZE; i++)

    getLogEntry(inputFile, crimeList[i].Date);  



  • using namespace std 通常被认为是一种非常糟糕的做法。相反,只需指定命名空间(例如 std::string 而不是 string)。
  • 您在程序的顶部将 LOGFILE 声明为字符串,但随后试图在函数 getLogEntry.
  • 中将其用作 ifstream&
  • 你的主要方法有问题。我假设您想将一些数据从一个文件加载到程序中,然后将该数据输出到另一个文件。您在 main 方法中使用它的方式是,首先,输出您还没有的信息,其次,导入信息但不要对其进行任何操作。
  • 您有 很多 的功能。作为一般的经验法则,不要为打开文件创建一个完整的函数,然后创建一个单独的函数来使用它,然后再创建一个单独的函数来关闭它。 不这样做的原因有很多。最大的原因是你的程序变得很难理解,其他人将无法使用你的代码。在实际应用中,你的代码只有 20% 给计算机,80% 给其他程序员。
  • 存在各种格式错误等。


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>  // Unneeded since other headers here already include this
#include <fstream>

using namespace std; // NEVER globally use the entire standard namespace!

const int    MAX_LOG_SIZE = 7584;  // Can be declared 'constexpr'
const string LOGFILE ="crimes.dat"; 
const string OUTPUT_FILE ="crimesorted.log";

   > It often looks a lot cleaner to have a header part of your code
     and then define your functions seperately. This is good practice
     for when you need to start using header files with big projects

struct CrimeInfo
{ // Can declare all variables by only listing type once if they're all the same type
    string Crimedescr;
    string Date;
    string Time;
    string Address;
    string Grid;
    string Latitude;
    string Longitude;

CrimeInfo crimeList [MAX_LOG_SIZE];  // This should be in 'main()'

 This should not be its own function.
 Making too many function can make things look a bit confusing.
 Here, this is only 4 lines of code, so you shouldn't be making
 an entire function for it. 
void openInputFile(ifstream& inputFile, string inputFilename)
    while (inputFile.fail())
        cout << "Failed to open input file: " << inputFilename << ".\n";

 This should also just be written out where its used. There's
 no need to make a whole function for a task like this.

   > LOGFILE is NOT an std::ifstream! It is a std::string!
void getLogEntry(ifstream &LOGFILE, CrimeInfo &entry)
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Date);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Time);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Address);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Grid);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Crimedescr);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Latitude);
    getline(LOGFILE, entry.Longitude);

 This should not be its own function.
 Making too many function can make things look a bit confusing.
 Here, this is only 4 lines of code, so you shouldn't be making
 an entire function for it. 
void openOutputFile(ofstream& outputFile, string outputFilename)
    if (outputFile.fail())
        cout << "Failed to open output file: " << outputFilename << ".\n";

// It's a good idea to use some sort of documentation style for functions
void outputLogFile( 
    // Declare variables const when they aren't modified
    /* (const) */ string outputFilename, 
    /* (const) */ CrimeInfo arr[], 
    /* (const) */ int size)
    ofstream outputLogFile;
    openOutputFile(outputLogFile, outputFilename);  // Just write out the code

    outputLogFile << "\nCrime log sort ^^:\n\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
         You only need to declare the name of the stream one time

            outputLogFile << thing1 << thing2
                << thing3 << thing4 << thing5
                << thing6
                << endl;
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Date << "  ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Address << " (";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Longitude << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Latitude << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Time << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Grid << " ";
        outputLogFile << arr[i].Crimedescr << ""; // Empty quotes not needed here
        outputLogFile << endl;

int main()
    // What data are you outputting?
    outputLogFile(OUTPUT_FILE, crimeList, MAX_LOG_SIZE);

    // Are you trying to load the data you just outputted?
    for (int i =0; i < MAX_LOG_SIZE; i++)
    { // I added these braces, but it's a good idea to always have braces

        // You have not declared 'inputFile' anywhere
        getLogEntry(inputFile, crimeList[i].Date);


#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

 If you're using C++17, the lines below can just become one line:

 using std::cin, std::cout, std::endl, std::ifstream, 
    std::ofstream, std::string, std::getline;
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ofstream;
using std::string;

constexpr int MAX_LOG_SIZE     = 7584;
const string  LOGFILE_NAME     = "crimes.dat";
// I'm assuming:       inputFile  ^^^
//                     outputFile vvv
const string  OUTPUT_FILE_NAME = "crimesorted.log";
 NOTE: If you're trying to export data to "crimesorted.log"
       and then load it back into the program through "crimes.dat",
       that will be a problem. I say this because the main method
       in your original code, this is the order you had it in.

// [BEGIN] Function Prototypes

// Structure of strings based on info from crimes.dat
struct CrimeInfo
    string Crimedescr, Date, Time, Address,
        Grid, Latitude, Longitude;

/** (This is JavaDoc-style documentation)
 [Purpose of function here]

 @param outputFile  [Describe paramater here]
 @param arr[]       [Describe parameter here]
 @param size_of_arr Size of 'arr[]'
void outputLogFile(
    ofstream& outputFile, // Changed to 'std::ofstream&' because I declare this in 'main()'
    const CrimeInfo arr[], 
    const int size_of_arr);

// [END] Function Prototypes

int main()
    // Create std::ifstream and open a file
    ifstream file_to_load;

    // Constructing and using 'crimeList' here allows the size to be known in 
    // this scope. However, if it's passed to a function, it's passed as a pointer
    CrimeInfo crimeList[MAX_LOG_SIZE];

    // Check if file was open and do stuff with it
    if (file_to_load.is_open())
    { // File was opened

        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_SIZE; i++)
            getline(file_to_load, crimeList[i].Date);
            getline(file_to_load, crimeList[i].Time);
            getline(file_to_load, crimeList[i].Address);
            getline(file_to_load, crimeList[i].Grid);
            getline(file_to_load, crimeList[i].Crimedescr);
            getline(file_to_load, crimeList[i].Latitude);
            getline(file_to_load, crimeList[i].Longitude);

        file_to_load.close();  // Close file
    { // File could not be
        cout << "Could not open file: " << LOGFILE_NAME << endl;
        return 1;

    // Create std::ofstream and output the log
    ofstream outputFile;

    // Check if 'outputFile' opened OUTPUT_FILE_NAME successfully
    { // File was opened
        outputLogFile(outputFile, crimeList, MAX_LOG_SIZE);
    { // File could not be opened
        cout << "Could not open file: " << OUTPUT_FILE_NAME << endl;
        return 1;

// Function definition for outputLogFile()
void outputLogFile(
    ofstream &outputFile,
    const CrimeInfo arr[],
    const int size_of_arr)
    outputFile << "\nCrime log sort ^^:\n\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < size_of_arr; i++)
            << arr[i].Date << '\n' // Newlines may look better than spaces here
            << arr[i].Address << " ("
            << arr[i].Longitude << ", "
            << arr[i].Latitude << ")\n"
            << arr[i].Time << '\n'
            << arr[i].Grid << '\n'
            << arr[i].Crimedescr
            << endl;