为什么 _session.Use 方法不能正常工作?

Why does _session.Use method not work properly?


public override void Execute(CompleteIRHJobArgs args)
    var robotUserId = _userRepo.GetAll().Where(p => p.UserName == TestaLIMSWPConsts.LIMSRobot).Select(p => p.Id).First();

    using (_session.Use(args.TenantId, robotUserId))

我找到了robotUserId并将其设置为当前用户。但是在我进入方法 SetIRHToCompleteState 之后, _session.UserId.Valuenull。我认为这是错误的行为。我的ABP版本是4.0.0.

public async Task SetIRHToCompleteState(List<int> irhIds)
    var irhs = await _instanceHeaderRepo.GetAll().Where(p => irhIds.Contains(p.Id)).ToListAsync();

    foreach (var t in irhs)
        t.FlowState = FlowState.Completed;
        t.CompleteDate = Clock.Now;
        t.CompleteUserId = _session.UserId.Value;


var irhs = await _instanceHeaderRepo.GetAll()...


System.Transactions.TransactionInDoubtException: The transaction is in doubt. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The wait operation timed out

But after step into method SetIRHToCompleteState, _session.UserId.Value is null.

SetIRHToCompleteStateasync 并在处理 using 作用域后继续 运行。

因为 Execute 不是 async,你不能 await 但你可以调用 AsyncHelper.RunSync

// using Abp.Threading;

using (_session.Use(args.TenantId, robotUserId))
    AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => _instanceReciptHeaderDomainService.SetIRHToCompleteState(args.IRHIds));

这也可以避免 "open DataReader" 错误。

来自 aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate#1646:

it's called in a background thread which is not inside an async context. But it's not a problem since background job manager is already single threaded and does not cause to block many threads.
Hangfire implementation is also like that.