
Can a function operating upon mutable data structure be referentially transparent?


trait ReadFileAlg[F[_], Dataset[_], Context]{
  def read(path: String, ctx: Context): F[Dataset[String]]

final class NetworkContext{
  private var fileDescriptor: Int = _
  private var inputStream: InputStream = _

final class ReadFromRemoteHost[F[_]: Sync] extends ReadFileAlg[F, List, NetworkContext]{
  override def read(path: String, ctx: NetworkContext): F[List[String]] = Sync[F].delay(
    //read data from the remote host

我在这里看到的问题是该实现接受 NetworkContext 作为参数,它是可变的并且包含与网络连接相关的 fileDescriptor 等字段。


我认为是的,因为函数本身不提供对可变状态的直接访问(它在 Sync[F].delay 下),即使它接受可变数据结构作为参数。

IMO,read 的语义是

"When you apply me I am pure, however when you run me I have a side-effect."

有人说这是一种sleight of hand:

...we simply declare that a function returning an IO type may have arbitrary effects without going into detail in how these come about. The scheme has two consequences: First, the type of a function tells you whether it is referentially transparent or has side-effects when run.


object Foo {
  var x = 42

def f(foo: Foo.type): Int = foo.x

我们可以确认 f 不是引用透明的,因为

assert(f(Foo) == 42) // OK
assert(f(Foo) == 42) // OK
Foo.x = -11
assert(f(Foo) == 42) // boom! Expression f(Foo) suddenly means something else

但是重新实现 f 以达到 "suspend" 效果

def f(foo: Foo.type): IO[Int] = IO(foo.x)


def f(foo: Foo.type): Unit => Int = _ => foo.x


magicalAssert(f(Foo) == (_ => foo.x)) // OK
magicalAssert(f(Foo) == (_ => foo.x)) // OK
Foo.x = -11
magicalAssert(f(Foo) == (_ => foo.x)) // Still OK! Expression f(Foo) did not change meaning

这里神奇的断言就像人脑一样,不会遇到停止问题,因此能够推断出函数行为的相等性,也就是说,应用 f 计算出值 (_ => foo.x),这确实总是等于值 (_ => foo.x) 即使在某些时候 Foo.x 被突变为 -11.


assert(f(Foo)() == 42) // OK
assert(f(Foo)() == 42) // OK
Foo.x = -11
assert(f(Foo)() == 42) // boom! expression f(Foo)() suddenly means something else

(注意我们如何通过 f(Foo)() 中的额外括号模拟 IO.run

因此表达式 f(Foo) 是引用透明的,但是表达式 f(Foo)() 不是。