是否有任何策略来划分应用 SRP 的责任?

Is there any strategy to partition the responsibilities to apply SRP?

是否有任何策略来划分 类 以应用单一职责原则?


interface Manager {
    // common functionalities

class Wearable1manager implements Manager {
    // Manages wearable1 specific functionalities
    // as well as wearable1 related capabilities

class Wearable2manager implements Manager {
    // Manages wearable2 specific functionalities
    // as well as wearable2 related capabilities

我的一位同事否认我的设计,说它违反了 Single Responsibility Principle (SRP),因为与能力相关的功能应该由单一能力经理处理。他的提议就像,

interface Manager {
    // common functionalities

class WearableManager implements Manager {
    // Manages wearable1 specific functionalities
    // as well as wearable2 specific functionalities

class CapabilityManager implements Manager {
    // Manages wearable1 related capabilities
    // as well as wearable2 related capabilities

基本上,我发现我们都强调应用单一职责原则,但我们分工职责的想法是基于不同方面的。当我需要根据我应该划分 类 的责任来决定时,我经常发现自己处于这种危急情况。所以我的问题是,

是否有任何特定的 OOP 设计指南可以帮助决定划分 类 以应用 SRP?还是这纯粹取决于经验?我希望应该有具体的步骤来分析和解决这种困惑。感谢有经验者的建议。

没有"responsibility"的定义。因此,没有这样的策略。但是,有:1) 勉强确定的常识,2) 对您所处环境的感觉。

根据我的个人经验,正确的问题是"why would I ever need to change this code?"。如果有不止一个(业务?)原因,那就会引发更多思考。


The single responsibility principle is a computer programming principle that states that every module, class, or function[1] should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class, module or function. All its services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility. Robert C. Martin expresses the principle as, "A class should have only one reason to change,"[1] although, because of confusion around the word "reason" he more recently stated "This principle is about people.(Actor)"[2]


Responsibility equates to a logically bound part of the function provided by the software.

因此,如果您有与功能相关的功能,您应该在单个 class/module 中实现这些功能,因此您的同事是对的,您的初始代码将功能的实现分为两个不同的 Wearable Manager 类,这违反了原则,因为与能力相关的功能是一种责任。


SRP 取决于您的职责。您需要定义您的案例中的责任。为此,您需要将您的功能划分为逻辑上绑定的分区(职责),然后一切都将适合到位。但是,如果你和你的同事做了不同的划分,那么你们两个心中的责任主体是不同的,讨论这个是一个明智的想法。
