如何在 create() 函数中获取动态 many2many 字段的值
How to get the value of a dynamic many2many field in create() function
我想从 create() 函数中动态填充的 many2many 字段中获取值,但我得到了这个结果 [[6, False, [98]]],虽然 98 实际上是预期结果
class CustomTransRequest(models.Model):
_name = 'custom.trans.request'
_description = 'Transfer Request'
branch_from_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch', string="From", required=True)
branch_to_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch', string="To", required=True)
line_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch.line', string="Products", required=True)
product_id = fields.Many2many('custom.product', required=False, )
qty = fields.Integer(string="Qty", required=True)
def onchange_line(self):
if self.line_id:
for rec in self:
selected_products = rec.env['custom.branch.line'].search(
[('id', '=', rec.line_id.id)]).mapped('product_id')
self.product_id = [(6, 0, selected_products.ids)]
def create(self, vals):
print("Create Function ")
print("SELECT id FROM custom_branch_line WHERE (branch_id = %s) AND (product_id = %s)" % (
vals.get('branch_to_id'), vals['product_id']))
result = super(CustomTransRequest, self).create(vals)
return result
这是 Odoo 处理 X2many 字段的方式,按照惯例,它们在创建方法中大部分时间都称为命令(或命令列表),将为您的 m2m 字段传递的命令将是:
# only one command 6 which tell Odoo replace all record with the selected ids
[(6, 0, [list_of_selected_record_ids)]
不,我不知道你是想显示 select 查询还是想使用,如果你只是打印它:
# replace vals['product_id'] with
self.cr.execute("SELECT id FROM custom_branch_line WHERE (branch_id = %s) AND (product_id = %s)", (vals['branch_to_id'], vals['product_id'][0][2]))
有关 X2many 命令的更多信息,请查看:
One2many and Many2many use a special "commands"
我想从 create() 函数中动态填充的 many2many 字段中获取值,但我得到了这个结果 [[6, False, [98]]],虽然 98 实际上是预期结果 这是我下面的代码
class CustomTransRequest(models.Model):
_name = 'custom.trans.request'
_description = 'Transfer Request'
branch_from_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch', string="From", required=True)
branch_to_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch', string="To", required=True)
line_id = fields.Many2one('custom.branch.line', string="Products", required=True)
product_id = fields.Many2many('custom.product', required=False, )
qty = fields.Integer(string="Qty", required=True)
def onchange_line(self):
if self.line_id:
for rec in self:
selected_products = rec.env['custom.branch.line'].search(
[('id', '=', rec.line_id.id)]).mapped('product_id')
self.product_id = [(6, 0, selected_products.ids)]
def create(self, vals):
print("Create Function ")
print("SELECT id FROM custom_branch_line WHERE (branch_id = %s) AND (product_id = %s)" % (
vals.get('branch_to_id'), vals['product_id']))
result = super(CustomTransRequest, self).create(vals)
return result
这是 Odoo 处理 X2many 字段的方式,按照惯例,它们在创建方法中大部分时间都称为命令(或命令列表),将为您的 m2m 字段传递的命令将是:
# only one command 6 which tell Odoo replace all record with the selected ids
[(6, 0, [list_of_selected_record_ids)]
不,我不知道你是想显示 select 查询还是想使用,如果你只是打印它:
# replace vals['product_id'] with
self.cr.execute("SELECT id FROM custom_branch_line WHERE (branch_id = %s) AND (product_id = %s)", (vals['branch_to_id'], vals['product_id'][0][2]))
有关 X2many 命令的更多信息,请查看:
One2many and Many2many use a special "commands"