Shapeless FoldRight 后无法将 HList 转换为元组

Cannot convert HList to tuple after Shapeless FoldRight

我正在尝试使用 Scala 创建一个 CSV 文件解析器到一个案例中 class,我正在尝试使用 Shapeless 使其通用。

我希望我的解析器允许用户指定提取函数 extract: CsvRow => String 而不是针对特定字段类型具有 1 对 1 对应关系和类型 classes 因为文件我' m 解析采用不同的格式,适用于一个文件的解析操作不适用于另一个文件。 我想如果我可以通过首先进行 "dumb" 解析然后应用转换函数来避免这一步,但在一天结束时我只是转移到需要解决这个问题的地方。

在此之后,我想将生成的 HList 转换为元组并执行 mapN 以创建案例的新实例 class

我尝试了几种策略,但总有一些方法不起作用。我发现非常有帮助 this specific answer 我在下面进行了改编。


could not find implicit value for parameter tupler

当我尝试将生成的 HList 转换为元组时。我注意到我生成的 HList 以 HNil.type 而不是我期望的 HNil 终止

更新: 我在 Scastie 上添加了更完整的代码,其中包含更多评论和数据。


import CsvDefinitions._
import CsvTypeParser._
import CsvConverter._
import cats.implicits._
import scala.util.Try
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist.RightFolder
import shapeless.syntax.std.tuple._

object CsvDefinitions {
  type CsvRow = List[String]
  type CsvValidated[A] = ValidatedNec[Throwable, A]
  // A parser is a function that given a row returns a validted result
  type CsvRowParser[A] = Kleisli[CsvValidated, CsvRow, A]

trait CsvTypeParser[A] {
  def parseCell(cell: String): CsvValidated[A]

object CsvTypeParser {
  def parse[A](extract: CsvRow => String)(implicit parser: CsvTypeParser[A]): CsvRowParser[A] =
    Kleisli { row =>
      val extracted = Try(extract(row)).toEither.toValidatedNec
      val parsed = parser.parseCell _
      (extracted) andThen parsed
  def apply[A](f: String => A): CsvTypeParser[A] = new CsvTypeParser[A] {
    def parseCell(cell: String): CsvValidated[A] = Try(f(cell)).toEither.toValidatedNec
  implicit val stringParser: CsvTypeParser[String] = CsvTypeParser[String] {
  implicit val intParser: CsvTypeParser[Int] = CsvTypeParser[Int] {
  implicit val doubleParser: CsvTypeParser[Double] = CsvTypeParser[Double] {

object CsvConverter {
  // The following has been adapted from 
  private object ApplyRow extends Poly2 {
    // The "trick" here is to pass the row as the initial value of the fold and carry it along
    // during the computation. Inside the computation we apply a parser using row as parameter and
    // then we append it to the accumulator.
    implicit def aDefault[T, V <: HList] = at[CsvRowParser[T], (CsvRow, V)] {
      case (rowParser, (row, accumulator)) => (row, rowParser(row) :: accumulator)

  def convertRowGeneric[
    HP <: HList,    // HList Parsers
    HV <: HList](   // HList Validated
      input: HP,
      row: CsvRow)(
        // I tried to use the RightFolder.Aux reading 
        folder: RightFolder.Aux[
          HP,                   // Input type
          (CsvRow, HNil.type),  // Initial value of accumulator
          ApplyRow.type,        // Polymorphic function
          (CsvRow, HV)          // Result type
      ): HV = {
    input.foldRight((row, HNil))(ApplyRow)._2

// Case class containing the final result of the conversion
case class FinalData(id: Int, name: String, score: Double)

object Main extends App {

  // Definition of parsers and how they obtain the value to parse
  val parsers =
    parse[Int   ](r => r(0)) ::          // Extract field 0 and convert it to Int
    parse[String](r => r(1)+" "+r(2)) :: // Get field 1 and 2 together
    parse[Double](r => r(3).trim) ::     // Trim field 3 before converting to double

  // One line in the CSV file
  val row = List("123", "Matt", "Smith", "45.67")

  val validated = convertRowGeneric(parsers, row)

  // Could not find implicit value for parameter tupler
  // The "validated" HList terminates with HNil.type
  val finalData = validated

修复 convertRowGeneric(将类型 HNil.type 替换为 HNil,将值 HNil 替换为归因 HNil: HNil

def convertRowGeneric[
  HP <: HList,    // HList Parsers
  HV <: HList](   // HList Validated
                  input: HP,
                  row: CsvRow)(
                folder: RightFolder.Aux[
                  HP,                   // Input type
                  (CsvRow, HNil),  // Initial value of accumulator
                  ApplyRow.type,        // Polymorphic function
                  (CsvRow, HV)          // Result type
              ): HV = {
  input.foldRight((row, HNil: HNil))(ApplyRow)._2