SQL 与 GUID 具有 NOT IN 和 WHERE 关系的查询

SQL query with NOT IN and WHERE relation with GUIDs

有两个tableDocumentDocumentPos。在 Document 中有列 GUID,在 DocumentPos 中有列 DocumentGUID,它指的是 table Document.

I want to have every row in DocumentPos where its DocumentGUID has now row in Documents' GUID.

我有这个查询 returns 0 行:

select *
FROM             Document d,
                 DocumentPos dp
WHERE            d.GUID = dp.DocumentGUID
AND              dp.DocumentGUID NOT IN (
                 SELECT d.GUID
                 FROM Document

但是当我执行 select * from documentpos 时,它 returns 例如一行 DocumentGUID= B479BCB72334424DAC1B7CC26880DAB8。而这个DocumentGUIDNOT INtableDocument作为GUID

但是 select * from Document where GUID = 'B479BCB72334424DAC1B7CC26880DAB8' returns 0 行。

我想像这样构建查询,因为它应该成为 DELETE 语句:

DELETE           dp
FROM             Document d,
                 DocumentPos dp
WHERE            d.GUID = cp.DocmentGUID
AND              dp.DocumentGUID NOT IN (
                 SELECT d.GUID
                 FROM Document


Why is in the brackets not FROM d possible and only FROM Document?

NOT IN 对于 NULL 是棘手的。您可以改用 NOT EXISTS,这是 null 安全的。另外,我不明白为什么你需要在外部查询中引入 document table。


select *
from documentpos dp
where not exists (
    select 1 from document d where d.guid = dp.documentguid


delete dp
from documentpos dp
where not exists (
    select 1 from document d where d.guid = dp.documentguid

我能理解的是您想从 DocumentPos table 中删除 Main table Document 中不存在的数据。您可以使用以下查询:

DELETE dp FROM DocumentPos dp
left join Document d on d.GUID = dp.DocumentGUID
where d.GUID is null