Android GCM 主题订阅限制

Android GCM topic subscription limit

随着 android gcm 中主题的引入,我正在评估此选项以简化为使我们的服务器与某些订阅保持同步而应该完成的工作。

但是我在文档中看到,主题的使用限制为 100 万个订阅。这是否意味着您不能拥有超过 100 万个用户(具有一个或多个主题)或您只能订阅 100 万个主题(例如 100.000 个用户每个订阅 10 个主题)?


当每个应用的订阅数量超过 100 万限制时,您将收到 TOO_MANY_SUBSCRIBERS 错误。

您可以尝试在注册设备时使用多个 SENDER_IDs 来绕过此限制。

由于 1 million subscriptions limit 在整个应用程序范围内强制执行,我很确定 Google 的跟踪方式是通过 SENDER_ID.

然后,在服务器端,您必须向 GCM 发出多个 publish 请求(每次使用不同的 Server API Key,以支持超过 100 万台设备)。



We’re now happy to announce that we’re allowing unlimited free topics for your app. This means app developers can place an unlimited number of devices within each topic and create an unlimited number of topics.


GCM topic messaging allows your app server to send a message to multiple devices that have opted in to a particular topic. Based on the publish/subscribe model, topic messaging supports unlimited subscriptions per app.

GCM 现在取消了限制,检查一下:

Firebase 云消息传递 (FCM) 也一样。

GCM topic messaging allows your app server to send a message to multiple devices that have opted in to a particular topic. Based on the publish/subscribe model, topic messaging supports unlimited subscriptions per app. The app server sends messages with payloads up to 2KB to the topic, and GCM handles the message routing and delivers the message reliably to the right devices. For example, users of a weather forecasting app could opt in to a "severe weather alerts" topic and receive notifications of storms threatening specified areas.


检查这个 [FCM 通知][1]