React useReducer:如何组合多个减速器?

React useReducer: How to combine multiple reducers?

我不是 Javascript 专家所以我想知道是否有人有 "elegant" 方法来组合多个 reducer 来创建一个全局状态(比如 Redux)。状态更新多个组件等时不影响性能的函数..

假设我有一个 store.js

import React, { createContext, useReducer } from "react";
import Rootreducer from "./Rootreducer"

export const StoreContext = createContext();

const initialState = {

export const StoreProvider = props => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(Rootreducer, initialState);

  return (
    <StoreContext.Provider value={[state, dispatch]}>


import Reducer1 from "./Reducer1"
import Reducer2 from "./Reducer2"
import Reducer3 from "./Reducer3"
import Reducer4 from "./Reducer4"

const rootReducer = combineReducers({

export default rootReducer;

在您的 rootReducer.js 文件中,您可以使用 redux 中的 combineReducers 来组合多个减速器。传统的方式是:

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({ name: nameReducer});

export default rootReducer;

您可以在创建商店时将 rootReducer 导入为:

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';

let store = createStore(rootReducer);

在使用 useReducer 钩子时,您可以将 rootReducer 传递给它:

const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(rootReducer, initialState);


如果你只是想实现一个combine reducer的功能,而不需要任何第三方库,那么按照下面的方法来做。 (参考文献:Redux source/code) 工作代码在这里

我创建了两个 reducer,一个 dateReducer 和另一个 counterReducer。我用它作为

const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(combineReducers({ 计数器:counterReducer, 日期:dateReducer }), 初始状态);

combineReducers 代码

function combineReducers(reducers) {  
  return (state = {}, action) => {
    const newState = {};
    for (let key in reducers) {
      newState[key] = reducers[key](state[key], action);
    return newState;


const { counter, date } = state;

注意:您可以根据需要添加更多类似 redux 的功能。

完整的工作代码(万一 codepen 挂了 :))

const {useReducer, useEffect} = React;

function dateReducer(state, action) {
  switch(action.type) {
    case "set_date":
      return action.payload;
      return state;

function counterReducer(state, action) {
  console.log('cr:', state);
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment': {
      return state + 1;
    case 'decrement': {
      return state - 1;

      return state;

function combineReducers(reducers) {  
  return (state = {}, action) => {
    const newState = {};
    for (let key in reducers) {
      newState[key] = reducers[key](state[key], action);
    return newState;

const initialState = {
  counter: 0,
  date: new Date

function App() {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(combineReducers({
    counter: counterReducer,
    date: dateReducer 
  }), initialState);  

  console.log("state", state);
  const { counter, date } = state;

  return (
    <div className="app">
      <h3>Counter Reducer</h3>
      <div className="counter">
        <button onClick={() => 
          dispatch({ type: 'increment'})}>+          

        <button onClick={() => 
             dispatch({ type: 'decrement'})}>-
      <h3>Date Reducer</h3>
      <button className="submit" 
          onClick={() => 
             dispatch({ type: 'set_date', payload:new Date })}>
           Set Date

const rootElement = document.querySelector("#root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);  



最常见的方法是让每个 reducer 管理自己的 属性(“切片”)状态:

const combineReducers = (slices) => (state, action) =>
  Object.keys(slices).reduce( // use loop, if you prefer it
    (acc, prop) => ({
      [prop]: slices[prop](acc[prop], action),
import a from "./Reducer1";
import b from "./Reducer2";

const initialState = { a: {}, b: {} }; // some state for props a, b
const rootReducer = combineReducers({ a, b });

const StoreProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(rootReducer, initialState);
  // Important(!): memoize array value. Else all context consumers update on *every* render
  const store = React.useMemo(() => [state, dispatch], [state]);
  return (
    <StoreContext.Provider value={store}> {children} </StoreContext.Provider>


应用多个减速器in sequence on state with arbitrary shape, akin to reduce-reducers:

const reduceReducers = (...reducers) => (state, action) =>
  reducers.reduce((acc, nextReducer) => nextReducer(acc, action), state);
const rootReducer2 = reduceReducers(a, b);
// rest like in first variant

合并多个 useReducer 钩子

您还可以组合来自多个 useReducer 的分派 and/or 状态,例如:

const combineDispatch = (...dispatches) => (action) =>
  dispatches.forEach((dispatch) => dispatch(action));
const [s1, d1] = useReducer(a, {}); // some init state {} 
const [s2, d2] = useReducer(b, {}); // some init state {} 

// don't forget to memoize again
const combinedDispatch = React.useCallback(combineDispatch(d1, d2), [d1, d2]);
const combinedState = React.useMemo(() => ({ s1, s2, }), [s1, s2]);

// This example uses separate dispatch and state contexts for better render performance
<DispatchContext.Provider value={combinedDispatch}>
  <StateContext.Provider value={combinedState}> {children} </StateContext.Provider>


以上是最常见的变体。对于这些情况,还有像 use-combined-reducers 这样的库。最后,看看下面结合 combineReducersreduceReducers 的示例:

const StoreContext = React.createContext();
const initialState = { a: 1, b: 1 };

// omit distinct action types for brevity
const plusOneReducer = (state, _action) => state + 1;
const timesTwoReducer = (state, _action) => state * 2;
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  a: reduceReducers(plusOneReducer, plusOneReducer), // aNew = aOld + 1 + 1
  b: reduceReducers(timesTwoReducer, plusOneReducer) // bNew = bOld * 2 + 1

const StoreProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(rootReducer, initialState);
  const store = React.useMemo(() => [state, dispatch], [state]);
  return (
    <StoreContext.Provider value={store}> {children} </StoreContext.Provider>

const Comp = () => {
  const [globalState, globalDispatch] = React.useContext(StoreContext);
  return (
        a: {globalState.a}, b: {globalState.b}
      <button onClick={globalDispatch}>Click me</button>

const App = () => <StoreProvider> <Comp /> </StoreProvider>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

// helpers

function combineReducers(slices) {
  return (state, action) =>
      (acc, prop) => ({
        [prop]: slices[prop](acc[prop], action)

function reduceReducers(...reducers){ 
  return (state, action) =>
    reducers.reduce((acc, nextReducer) => nextReducer(acc, action), state)
<script src="" integrity="sha256-32Gmw5rBDXyMjg/73FgpukoTZdMrxuYW7tj8adbN8z4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-bjQ42ac3EN0GqK40pC9gGi/YixvKyZ24qMP/9HiGW7w=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div id="root"></div>


这可能不是最好的方法,但我只是将我的 reducer 定义为具有 key 的对象:reducer 函数 组合:

const counterRed = {
  increment: (oldState, action) => ({
    counter: oldState.counter + 1
  decrement: (oldState, action) => ({
    counter: oldState.counter - 1

const dateRed = {
  set_date: (oldState, action) => ({ ...oldState, date: action.payload })


const reducer = (oldState, action) => {
  const combinedReducers = { ...dateRed, ...counterRed };
  let newState = null;
  if (combinedReducers[action.type]) {
    newState = combinedReducers[action.type](oldState, action);
  if (newState) {
    return { ...newState };
  return oldState;


有一个名为 react combine reducer 的库专门用于将 reducer 与上下文结合起来 api。下面是代码示例

import { useReducer } from 'react';
  import combineReducers from 'react-combine-reducers';
  const initialIdentity = {
    name: 'Harry'
  const initialLocation = {
    country: 'UK',
    city: 'London'
  const identityReducer = (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case 'ACTION_A':
        return { ...state, name: 'Puli' };
      default: return state;
  const locationReducer = (state, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
      case 'ACTION_B':
        return { ...state, city: 'Manchester' };
      default: return state;
  const [profileReducer, initialProfile] = combineReducers({
    identity: [identityReducer, initialIdentity],
    location: [locationReducer, initialLocation]
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(profileReducer, initialProfile);
  // Outputs the following state:
  // {
  //   identity: {
  //     name: "Harry"
  //   },
  //   location: {
  //     country: "UK",
  //     city: "London"
  //   }
  // }

使用 useCombineReducers() 而不是使用 useReducer。可以根据您的要求更改此功能以接受多个参数

const inti ={  count:0,  alpha:''} 

export function reducer1(state, action) {
switch (action.type) 
  case 'increment':
    return {...state , count: state.count + 1};
  case 'decrement':
    return {...state , count: state.count - 1};     
    return {count:0};
} }

export function reducer2(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
  case 'add':
    return {...state , alpha: state.alpha + action.payload };
  case 'rem':
    return {...state , alpha: state.alpha + action.payload};     
    return {alpha:''};

function useCombineReducers(reducer1,reducer2, init) {
const [state,setState] = useState(init);

function dispatch(action)
  let ns = null;
  if(action.type == 'add' || action.type=="rem")
    ns = reducer2(state,action)
    ns = reducer1(state,action)      
return [state, dispatch];}

function App() {
  const [state,dispatch] = useCombineReducers(reducer1,reducer2,inti);

  return (
   <Provider >
   <Counter state ={state} dispatch={dispatch}></Counter>
   <Alpha state ={state} dispatch={dispatch}></Alpha>
);   }

const Counter = (props) => {
return (
    <div style ={{Border:'10px', width:'20px'}}>
        Count : {props.state.count}

        <button onClick={()=> props.dispatch({type: 'increment'})}> + </button> 
        <button onClick={()=> props.dispatch({type: 'decrement'})}> - </button> 
)} export default Counter

const Alpha = (props) => {
return (
    <div style ={{Border:'10px', width:'20px'}}>
        Alpha : {props.state.alpha}

        <button onClick={()=> props.dispatch({type: 'add',payload:'+'})}> + </button> 
        <button onClick={()=> props.dispatch({type: 'rem',payload:'-'})}> - </button> 
)} export default Alpha