kill child processes when parent ends
我的目标是杀死(或以某种方式优雅地关闭)由 powershell 脚本启动的子进程,这样在父进程死后(通常通过点击脚本末尾或通过崩溃或 ctrl+c 或任何其他方式)。
我尝试了几种方法,但 none 按预期工作:
# only one line was active at time, all other were commented
start-job -scriptblock { & 'notepad.exe' } # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
start-job -scriptblock { 'notepad.exe' } # notepad.exe not started, script continues to end
notepad.exe # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
& notepad.exe # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
start-Process -passthru -FilePath notepad.exe # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
# give script some time before ending
Write-Host "Begin of sleep section"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "End of sleep section"
你可以用finally clause这种东西。 finally 子句在 try 块之后执行,即使 try 块的执行抛出异常或者执行被用户中止。
跟踪子进程的进程 ID,您的脚本正在生成并且
在 finally 子句中终止这些进程。
$process = Start-Process 'notepad.exe' -PassThru
# give script some time before ending
Write-Host "Begin of sleep section"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "End of sleep section"
# Kill the process if it still exists after the script ends.
# This throws an exception, if process ended before the script.
Stop-Process -Id $process.Id
我的目标是杀死(或以某种方式优雅地关闭)由 powershell 脚本启动的子进程,这样在父进程死后(通常通过点击脚本末尾或通过崩溃或 ctrl+c 或任何其他方式)。
我尝试了几种方法,但 none 按预期工作:
# only one line was active at time, all other were commented
start-job -scriptblock { & 'notepad.exe' } # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
start-job -scriptblock { 'notepad.exe' } # notepad.exe not started, script continues to end
notepad.exe # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
& notepad.exe # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
start-Process -passthru -FilePath notepad.exe # notepad.exe started, script continues to end, notepad.exe keep running
# give script some time before ending
Write-Host "Begin of sleep section"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "End of sleep section"
你可以用finally clause这种东西。 finally 子句在 try 块之后执行,即使 try 块的执行抛出异常或者执行被用户中止。
跟踪子进程的进程 ID,您的脚本正在生成并且
在 finally 子句中终止这些进程。
$process = Start-Process 'notepad.exe' -PassThru
# give script some time before ending
Write-Host "Begin of sleep section"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "End of sleep section"
# Kill the process if it still exists after the script ends.
# This throws an exception, if process ended before the script.
Stop-Process -Id $process.Id