
registering 2 components which inherits same interface

我是 autofac 的新手,我正在尝试理解这个概念。所以基本上浏览他们网站上的示例。我正在玩一些代码,但我不明白以下内容。

如果我如下注册两个类似的组件,如 todaywriteryesterdaywriter 并解析我的容器,它只会写出最后注册的一,所以在这种情况下,它只会写出今天的日期而忽略昨天的日期。到底发生了什么?我无法注册从同一接口继承的 2 个组件?如果可以的话,我将如何显示它们。

class Program
    private static IContainer Container { get; set; }

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

        Container = builder.Build();


    public static void WriteDate()
        // Create the scope, resolve your IDateWriter,
        // use it, then dispose of the scope.
        using (var scope = Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
            var writer = scope.Resolve<IDateWriter>();

// This implementation of the IOutput interface
// is actually how we write to the Console. Technically
// we could also implement IOutput to write to Debug
// or Trace... or anywhere else.
public class ConsoleOutput : IOutput
    public void Write(string content)

// This interface helps decouple the concept of
// "writing output" from the Console class. We
// don't really "care" how the Write operation
// happens, just that we can write.
public interface IOutput
    void Write(string content);

// This interface decouples the notion of writing
// a date from the actual mechanism that performs
// the writing. Like with IOutput, the process
// is abstracted behind an interface.
public interface IDateWriter
    void WriteDate();

// This TodayWriter is where it all comes together.
// Notice it takes a constructor parameter of type
// IOutput - that lets the writer write to anywhere
// based on the implementation. Further, it implements
// WriteDate such that today's date is written out;
// you could have one that writes in a different format
// or a different date.
public class TodayWriter : IDateWriter
    private IOutput _output;
    public TodayWriter(IOutput output)
        this._output = output;

    public void WriteDate()

// This TodayWriter is where it all comes together.
// Notice it takes a constructor parameter of type
// IOutput - that lets the writer write to anywhere
// based on the implementation. Further, it implements
// WriteDate such that today's date is written out;
// you could have one that writes in a different format
// or a different date.
public class yesterdayWriter : IDateWriter
    private IOutput _output;
    public yesterdayWriter(IOutput output)
        this._output = output;

    public void WriteDate()

在您的代码示例中,您的容器包含 2 个与 IDateWriter 服务匹配的注册。当您解析 IDateWriter 服务时,Autofac 将为您提供最新的注册,在您的情况下为 TodayWriter

如果您想解决所有 IDateWriter,您可以解决 IEnumerable<IDateWriter>

foreach (var writer in scope.Resolve<IEnumerable<IDateWriter>>())



public class AggregatedDateWriter : IDateWriter
    public AggregatedDateWriter(IEnumerable<IDateWriter> writers)
        this._writers = writers; 

    private readonly IEnumerable<IDateWriter> _writers;

    public void WriteDate()
        foreach (IDateWriter writer in this._writers)


Autofac.Core.DependencyResolutionException: Circular component dependency detected: ConsoleApplication75.AggregatedDateWriter

这是正常的,因为当 AggregatedDateWriter 被激活时,您尝试解析所有 IDateWriter


        .WithParameter((pi, c) => pi.Name == "writers", 
                        (pi, c) => c.ResolveNamed<IEnumerable<IDateWriter>>("concrete"));

WithParameter 方法告诉 Autofac 它应该如何处理组件的参数。如果您的 AggregatedDateWriter 构造函数有一个类型为 Stringvalue 参数。您可以使用 .WithParameter("value", "anyString") 方法让 Autofac 在构造函数中使用此值。在这种情况下,第一个参数将查找参数名称 writers,第二个参数将告诉 Autofac 使用 c.ResolveNamed<IEnumerable<IDateWriter>>("concrete") 的结果作为其值。

如果您还想更进一步,您可以使用 Castle.Core 生成代理,它将自动为您生成 AggregatedDateWriter,并使用自定义 IRegistrationSource 注册此代理。