如何在 Google 云平台中安装 cmake

how to install cmake in Google Cloud Platform

我正在尝试部署使用 dlib 库的 django 项目,但在部署时,Google 控制台抛出一个错误,提示需要 CMake 才能安装 dlib。这些都在我的系统中,但如何让它们在 Google 云中工作?如何在 Google Cloud 中安装 cmake? requirements.txt.


Google 控制台:

Step #1 - "builder": RuntimeError:
Step #1 - "builder": *******************************************************************
Step #1 - "builder": CMake must be installed to build the following extensions: dlib
Step #1 - "builder": *******************************************************************
Step #1 - "builder":
Step #1 - "builder":
Step #1 - "builder": ----------------------------------------
Step #1 - "builder": Running setup.py clean for dlib
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for face-recognition-models (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for face-recognition-models (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for gast (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for gast (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for gif2numpy (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for gif2numpy (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for hashids (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for hashids (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for imutils (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for imutils (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for kaitaistruct (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for kaitaistruct (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for numpy2gif (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for numpy2gif (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for opt-einsum (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for opt-einsum (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for PILasOPENCV (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for PILasOPENCV (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for PyYAML (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for PyYAML (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for termcolor (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for termcolor (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for wrapt (setup.py): started
Step #1 - "builder": Building wheel for wrapt (setup.py): finished with status 'done'
Step #1 - "builder": Stored in directory: /tmp/tmpfuPQRa/wheel
Step #1 - "builder": Successfully built absl-py face-recognition-models gast gif2numpy hashids imutils kaitaistruct numpy2gif opt-einsum PILasOPENCV PyYAML termcolor wrapt
Step #1 - "builder": Failed to build dlib
Step #1 - "builder":
Step #1 - "builder": INFO `pip_download_wheels` had stderr output:
Step #1 - "builder": Failed building wheel for dlib
Step #1 - "builder": ERROR: Failed to build one or more wheels
Step #1 - "builder":
Step #1 - "builder": ERROR error: `pip_download_wheels` returned code: 1
Step #1 - "builder": INFO pip_download_wheels took 114 seconds
Step #1 - "builder": INFO build process for FTL image took 119 seconds
Step #1 - "builder": INFO full build took 119 seconds
Step #1 - "builder": ERROR `pip_download_wheels` had stderr output:
Step #1 - "builder": Failed building wheel for dlib
Step #1 - "builder": ERROR: Failed to build one or more wheels
Step #1 - "builder":
Step #1 - "builder": error: `pip_download_wheels` returned code: 1
Step #1 - "builder": Traceback (most recent call last):
Step #1 - "builder": File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
Step #1 - "builder": "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
Step #1 - "builder": File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 72, in _run_code
Step #1 - "builder": exec code in run_globals
Step #1 - "builder": File "/usr/local/bin/ftl.par/__main__.py", line 65, in <module>
Step #1 - "builder": File "/usr/local/bin/ftl.par/__main__.py", line 57, in main
Step #1 - "builder": File "/usr/local/bin/ftl.par/__main__/ftl/common/ftl_error.py", line 58, in UserErrorHandler
Step #1 - "builder": IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '""/output'
Finished Step #1 - "builder"

您可以将 cmake 安装为

  1. 如果您使用的是 CentOS
sudo yum install -y cmake
  1. Debian/Ubuntu 基于操作系统
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install -y cmake

或者您可以安装 build-essential 包

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
