脚本 Photoshop CS6 版本 13 64 位中的计数器问题

Problem with counter in script Photoshop CS6 ver 13 64 bit

PSD (activeDocument) in "3.Working folder
saves jpg
in draft folders in directory "../UserNameJobName/4.WIP/"

问题是一切正常,直到我想创建第三个草稿文件夹 (draft003)。
然后它再次将 activeDocument 保存在 draft002 的同一个 jpg 文件中,而不是创建新文件夹 draft003 并分别保存在那里。

接缝var draftCounter不能高于2值。我不确定错误在哪里。据我所知,在 photoshop CC 中它可以正常工作。

[Link 到文件夹结构 zip]

Main file directory pic
Draft directory pic


#target photoshop;

var wipCounter = 1;
var fileNotFound = true;

function main(){
    //Get file information
    var doc = app.activeDocument;
    var docName = doc.name;
    var docPath = doc.path;

    //Get the percentage to scale by
    var scaleValue = prompt("Enter the WIP JPEG scale percentage", "100");

    //Figure out the location of the WIP folder
    var savePath = docPath.toString();
    savePath = savePath.slice(0,-10);
    savePath = savePath + "/4.WIP/";
    var currDoc = docName.toString();
    currDoc = currDoc.slice(0,-4);

    //global variables are defined here

    //Look at the WIP folder and run a search for anything containing the word "draft"
    //Define the location of the WIP folder 
    var inWIPFolder = new Folder(savePath);
    //Look in each folder and create an array containing all of the information
    var fileList = inWIPFolder.getFiles();
    // Look at each array and sort the info out 
    for(var a=0; a<fileList.length; a++) {
            //Exclude anything that is not a folder
            if(fileList[a] instanceof Folder) {
                //convert each foldername to string for editing
                var fileName = fileList[a].toString();
                var draftSearch = fileName.search("draft");
                if(draftSearch > -1) {
                    var draftCounter  = fileName.slice(draftSearch);
                    if(fileNotFound == true) {
                        searchDraftFolder(draftCounter, savePath, currDoc);

        //Formatting the numbers
        if(wipCounter < 10){
            wipCounter = "00" + wipCounter.toString();
         }else if(wipCounter >= 10 && wipCounter < 100) {
             wipCounter = "0" + wipCounter.toString();  

        //Define the path of the draft folders
        savePath = Folder(savePath +"/draft" + wipCounter);
        //Check to see if the draft folders exists. If not, make one

        //Define the WIP file name with the incremental counter
        var wipFileName =savePath + "/" + currDoc + "_WIP" + wipCounter + ".jpg";

        //Resize the file
        var blankLayer = doc.artLayers.add();
        blankLayer.name = "blankLayer";

        //Make new doc to paste into
        app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
        //arguments are: Width, Height, resolution, filename, colourspce, documentfill
        app.documents.add(UnitValue(doc.width, "PX"), UnitValue(doc.height, "PX"), doc.resolution, wipFileName, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT,1);
        app.activeDocument.resizeImage(UnitValue(scaleValue, "PERCENT"), null, null, ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER);
        //Save a RGBJpeg
        jpegFileSaver(app.activeDocument, new File(wipFileName), 10);
        //Close the new document down
        alert(currDoc + "WIP" + wipCounter + " saved.");

function searchDraftFolder(draftCounter, savePath, currDoc){
   var fileSearch = -1;
   //Define the location of each draft folder  
   var internalFolder = new Folder(savePath + "/" + draftCounter);
   //Look in each folder and create an array containing all of the information
   var internalFileList = internalFolder.getFiles();
   // Look at each array and sort the info out 
   for(var a=0; a<internalFileList.length; a++) {
        //Exclude anything that is not a file
       if(internalFileList[a] instanceof File) {
           // convert each filename to string for editing
            var fileName = internalFileList[a].toString();
            //Searching the current document name and replacing spaces with %20
            var currDocStripped = currDoc.replace(/ /g, '%20');
            //Checking files until a result greater than 0 appears
            if(fileSearch === -1){
                //search for the current file name
                fileSearch = fileName.search(currDocStripped);
   //if the filesearch does not return a result:
    if(fileSearch === -1){
        fileNotFound = true;
     //if it does return a result:
    } else {
        //Slice the number off the draft folder
        draftCounter = draftCounter.slice(-3);
        //convert the string into an integer
        draftCounter = parseInt(Number(draftCounter));
        //increment the number up
        //terminate the main loop
        fileNotFound = false;

//A resuable JPEG save script
function jpegFileSaver(doc, saveFile, quality){
    //define the save options
    var saveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
    saveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
    saveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
    saveOptions.quality = quality;
    //save the files
    doc.saveAs(saveFile, saveOptions, true);

额外感谢代码作者 http://jamesmcdonald3d.com/

问题出在 searchDraftFolder()。当它在 draft001 中找到已经保存的 Great Map_wip 时,fileNotFound 被设置为 false 并且您在第 39 行的循环终止。这就是 wipCounter 卡在 2 上的原因:它递增 1,仅此而已。


p.s。至少在 CC 上还有一个问题:app.documents.add() 正在显示界面。那是因为您使用的是完整路径作为新文档名称,而您不能在其中使用 \-符号,因此 Photoshop 建议使用不同的名称并显示它。我为没有路径的文档名称添加了一个单独的变量(第 49 行)以在 .add()


function main()
  //Get file information
  var doc = app.activeDocument;
  var docName = doc.name;
  var docPath = doc.path;
  var wipCounter;

  //Get the percentage to scale by
  var scaleValue = prompt("Enter the WIP JPEG scale percentage", "100");

  //Figure out the location of the WIP folder
  var savePath = docPath.toString();
  savePath = savePath.slice(0, -10);
  savePath = savePath + "/4.WIP/";
  var currDoc = docName.toString();
  currDoc = currDoc.slice(0, -4);

  //global variables are defined here

  //Look at the WIP folder and run a search for anything containing the word "draft"
  //Define the location of the WIP folder 
  var inWIPFolder = new Folder(savePath);

  // !! modifications
  wipCounter = searchDraftFolder(inWIPFolder, currDoc)

  //Formatting the numbers
  if (wipCounter < 10)
    wipCounter = "00" + wipCounter.toString();
  else if (wipCounter >= 10 && wipCounter < 100)
    wipCounter = "0" + wipCounter.toString();

  //Define the path of the draft folders
  savePath = Folder(savePath + "/draft" + wipCounter);
  //Check to see if the draft folders exists. If not, make one
  if (!savePath.exists)

  //Define the WIP file name with the incremental counter
  var wipFileName = currDoc + "_WIP" + wipCounter + ".jpg";
  var wipFilePath = savePath + "/" + wipFileName;

  //Resize the file
  var blankLayer = doc.artLayers.add();
  blankLayer.name = "blankLayer";

  //Make new doc to paste into
  app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
  //arguments are: Width, Height, resolution, filename, colourspce, documentfill
  app.documents.add(UnitValue(doc.width, "PX"), UnitValue(doc.height, "PX"), doc.resolution, wipFileName, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.TRANSPARENT, 1);
  app.activeDocument.resizeImage(UnitValue(scaleValue, "PERCENT"), null, null, ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER);
  //Save a RGBJpeg
  jpegFileSaver(app.activeDocument, new File(wipFilePath), 10);
  //Close the new document down
  alert(currDoc + "_WIP" + wipCounter + " saved.");

// p is WIP path
// n is a name of the active doc without extension
function searchDraftFolder(p, n)
  var fileList = p.getFiles(); // folders in wip folder
  var counter = 1;
  var drafts, fileName, i, k;

  // for all the files found..
  for (i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++)
    //if a folder is found and its name has 'draft' in it
    if (fileList[i] instanceof Folder && fileList[i].name.indexOf('draft') != -1)

      //get files inside this draft folder
      drafts = fileList[i].getFiles();

      // for all files inside
      for (k = 0; k < drafts.length; k++)
        //'.name' gives us a URI-name, so replacing %20 with ' '. Probably should add more special symbols here if you use them
        fileName = drafts[k].name.replace(/%20/g, ' ');

        // if there's a file that starts with active doc name counter is incremented
        if (fileName.indexOf(n) != -1)

  return counter;

//A resuable JPEG save script
function jpegFileSaver(doc, saveFile, quality)
  //define the save options
  var saveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
  saveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
  saveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
  saveOptions.quality = quality;
  //save the files
  doc.saveAs(saveFile, saveOptions, true);