从 R 中的注释 (#) 中提取值

Extract values from comments (#) in R


所以,我有一个来自 .tsv 的数据框,类似于:

ChemID    BasedMaterial  State
MSO11D    Oxygen         Gas
GSX55E    Carbon         Liquid

对吗?所以,我只是想做的是添加一个名为 ID 的新列,其中填充了来自 ## 注释中的 ID_value 的值,以便得到如下内容:

ID    ChemID    BasedMaterial  State
1829  MSO11D    Oxygen         Gas
1829  GSX55E    Carbon         Liquid

问题是,当我从 .tsv 导入时,我丢失了所有注释值,这很好,我实际上不希望它们出现在我的输出文件中(excel table ).但是通过这样做,我也丢失了那些对于公开目的有用的信息。

那么,有没有一种方法可以使用 ## 中的注释中的值来创建所述列,并删除这些注释以创建 table ?非常感谢


func = function(FILE,COMMENTCHAR,VALUE){

allLines = readLines(FILE)
#exclude lines with comments
# and make table
tab =  read.table(text=allLines[!grepl(COMMENTCHAR,allLines)],header=TRUE)
#find the line which has the value in comments
value = allLines[grepl(VALUE,allLines) & grepl(COMMENTCHAR,allLines)]
# we split to get the name and value
value = unlist(strsplit(gsub("#","",value),"="))
df = data.frame(value[2],tab)
colnames(df)[1] = value[1]

主要思想是使用 readLines 获取所有内容。我们将没有注释的行转换为 table。从带有注释的行中,我们搜索您想要的值并将其作为第一列。我们在您的文本文件上尝试:

text=c("##ID_value=1829", "##exportDate=1-18-2019 ", "ChemID    BasedMaterial  State",
"MSO11D    Oxygen         Gas", "GSX55E    Carbon         Liquid"

  ID_value ChemID BasedMaterial  State
1     1829 MSO11D        Oxygen    Gas
2     1829 GSX55E        Carbon Liquid

虽然 StupidWolf 的答案有效,但我认为篡改经过验证的 read.table 的文件操作来代替解析文本通常不是一个好主意:随着文件变大,这会付出代价(据传闻,20 % 在 100k 行时增加,越大越多)。


#' @param file 'character', the name of the file which the data are to be read from
#' @param ... other arguments passed to 'read.table'
#' @param meta_char 'character', the string (or pattern) that indicates a 'key=val' or 'note'
#' @param meta_rows 'integer', maximum number of rows to look for meta
#' @param meta_unnamed 'character', used for column-header of meta when no '=' is found
#' @param meta_skip_more 'integer', number of lines beyond the meta rows to skip for real data
#' @return 'data.frame', with any meta data augmented as columns
read_table_with_meta <- function(file, ...,
                                 meta_char = "#", meta_rows = 10L, meta_unnamed = "meta",
                                 meta_skip_more = 0L) {
  toplines <- readLines(file, n = meta_rows)
  meta_ptn <- paste0("^", meta_char)

  dots <- list(...)
  if ("skip" %in% names(dots)) {
    warning("'skip' is determined by 'read_table_with_meta' and should not be assigned; if you need to skip more rows after meta rows, then use 'meta_skip_more'; 'skip=' is ignored here")
    dots$skip <- NULL

  if (all(grepl(meta_ptn, toplines))) {
    stop("all lines looked like header rows, suggest you increase 'meta_rows'")

  toplines <- toplines[ grepl(meta_ptn, toplines) ]
  skip <- length(toplines) + meta_skip_more
  toplines <- gsub(paste0("^", meta_char, "+\s*"), "", toplines)

  if (length(toplines)) {
    keys <- gsub("\s*=.*", "", toplines)
    vals <- gsub("^[^=]*\s*=\s*", "", toplines)
    unnamed <- (keys == vals)
    keys[unnamed] <- paste0(meta_unnamed, seq_along(keys[unnamed]))
    keyvals <- setNames(as.list(vals), keys)
  } else keyvals <- NULL

  dat <- do.call("read.table", c(list(file, skip = skip), dots))
  if (is.null(keyvals)) dat else cbind(dat, keyvals)


  • 这只搜索前 10 行(默认),认为你不应该在找到 non-commented-out 行后尝试解析整个文件;如果您有意见mid-file,则此回答不足;

  • 此函数将所有这些行分配给字段;这可能不是处理此问题的最通用方法,但我认为它解决了您的要求;读入后,您可以丢弃不需要的字段;

  • unnamed 部分是为了防止并非所有 commented-out headers 中都有 =;只是一个技巧,不确定它是否对你有必要或有用。


### safe with no-meta files
text=c("ChemID    BasedMaterial  State", "MSO11D    Oxygen         Gas", "GSX55E    Carbon         Liquid")
writeLines(text, "test.txt")
read_table_with_meta("test.txt", header=T)
#   ChemID BasedMaterial  State
# 1 MSO11D        Oxygen    Gas
# 2 GSX55E        Carbon Liquid

### simple case
text=c("##ID_value=1829", "##exportDate=1-18-2019 ", "ChemID    BasedMaterial  State", "MSO11D    Oxygen         Gas", "GSX55E    Carbon         Liquid")
writeLines(text, "test.txt")
read_table_with_meta("test.txt", header = TRUE)
#   ChemID BasedMaterial  State ID_value exportDate
# 1 MSO11D        Oxygen    Gas     1829 1-18-2019 
# 2 GSX55E        Carbon Liquid     1829 1-18-2019 

### unnamed meta
text=c("##ID_value=1829", "##exportDate=1-18-2019 ", "##somethingelse", "ChemID    BasedMaterial  State", "MSO11D    Oxygen         Gas", "GSX55E    Carbon         Liquid")
writeLines(text, "test.txt")
read_table_with_meta("test.txt", header = TRUE)
#   ChemID BasedMaterial  State ID_value exportDate         meta1
# 1 MSO11D        Oxygen    Gas     1829 1-18-2019  somethingelse
# 2 GSX55E        Carbon Liquid     1829 1-18-2019  somethingelse

### multiple unnamed meta
text=c("##ID_value=1829", "##exportDate=1-18-2019 ", "##somethingelse", "##key=val", "##more", "ChemID    BasedMaterial  State", "MSO11D    Oxygen         Gas", "GSX55E    Carbon         Liquid")
writeLines(text, "test.txt")
read_table_with_meta("test.txt", header = TRUE)
#   ChemID BasedMaterial  State ID_value exportDate         meta1 key meta2
# 1 MSO11D        Oxygen    Gas     1829 1-18-2019  somethingelse val  more
# 2 GSX55E        Carbon Liquid     1829 1-18-2019  somethingelse val  more