在 C# 中查找具有相同值的字典中的最小键
find minimum key in dictonary with same values in c#
你好,我想对我的 C# 字典进行排序,以在 C# 字典中找到具有相同值的最低键
[4, 29]
[7, 29]
[10, 32]
[1, 32]
[8, 32]
[9, 38]
[2, 38]
4 is the lowest key for the same value 29
1 is the lowest key for the same value 32
2 is the lowest key for the same value 38
我已经尝试过 foreach 循环,但它似乎非常困难和复杂
在 C# 中是否有一些简单的方法可以做到这一点
d.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value)
.Select(grouping => $"{grouping.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).First()} is the lowest key for the same value {grouping.Key}");
它使用 LINQ 按值对字典条目进行分组,然后在每个分组中找到最小的键。
var result = dictionary.GroupBy(x => x.Value)
.Select(g => g.OrderBy(x => x.Key).First());
foreach(var item in result)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key} is the lowest key for the same value {item.Value}");
这是一个解决方案,它不为每个键查找最小值进行排序。使用 OrderBy()
is O(NLogN), whereas using Min()
排序是 O(N).
var grouped = d
.GroupBy(x => x.Value)
.Select(grp => (grp.Key, grp.Min(grp => grp.Key)));
foreach (var (Key, Min) in grouped)
Console.WriteLine($"{Min} is the lowest key for the same value {Key}");
4 is the lowest key for the same value 29
1 is the lowest key for the same value 32
2 is the lowest key for the same value 38
你好,我想对我的 C# 字典进行排序,以在 C# 字典中找到具有相同值的最低键 我的字典值看起来像
[4, 29]
[7, 29]
[10, 32]
[1, 32]
[8, 32]
[9, 38]
[2, 38]
4 is the lowest key for the same value 29
1 is the lowest key for the same value 32
2 is the lowest key for the same value 38
我已经尝试过 foreach 循环,但它似乎非常困难和复杂 在 C# 中是否有一些简单的方法可以做到这一点 提前致谢
d.GroupBy(kvp => kvp.Value)
.Select(grouping => $"{grouping.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).First()} is the lowest key for the same value {grouping.Key}");
它使用 LINQ 按值对字典条目进行分组,然后在每个分组中找到最小的键。
var result = dictionary.GroupBy(x => x.Value)
.Select(g => g.OrderBy(x => x.Key).First());
foreach(var item in result)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key} is the lowest key for the same value {item.Value}");
这是一个解决方案,它不为每个键查找最小值进行排序。使用 OrderBy()
is O(NLogN), whereas using Min()
排序是 O(N).
var grouped = d
.GroupBy(x => x.Value)
.Select(grp => (grp.Key, grp.Min(grp => grp.Key)));
foreach (var (Key, Min) in grouped)
Console.WriteLine($"{Min} is the lowest key for the same value {Key}");
4 is the lowest key for the same value 29
1 is the lowest key for the same value 32
2 is the lowest key for the same value 38