
Getting warning while using nullable reference type with a generic type

我有一个像下面这样的泛型类型,它有一个名为 ExecuteAsync() 的方法,它可以 return 一个对象或 null:

public interface IStoredProcedure<Result, Schema>
    where Result : IBaseEntity
    where Schema : IBaseSchema
    Task<Result> ExecuteAsync(Schema model);

public class StoredProcedure<Result, Schema> : IStoredProcedure<Result, Schema>
    where Result : IBaseEntity
    where Schema : IBaseSchema
    public async Task<Result> ExecuteAsync(Schema model){
        //I use QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync of Dapper here, which returns an object or null
        throw new NotImplementedException();


public interface IContentService
    Task<Content?> Get(API_Content_Get schema);

public class ContentService : IContentService
    private readonly IStoredProcedure<Content?, API_Content_Get> _api_Content_Get;

    public ContentService(IStoredProcedure<Content?, API_Content_Get> api_Content_Get)
        _api_Content_Get = api_Content_Get;

    public async Task<Content?> Get(API_Content_Get schema)
        Content? result = await _api_Content_Get.ExecuteAsync(schema);
        return result;

如果我不在 ContentService 中添加 ? 以表明内容可以是 null,我会收到此警告:

我找不到显示内容可以 null 的方法。我可以按如下方式编写它,它不会收到任何警告,但它会假设结果值不是 null:

private readonly IStoredProcedure<Content, API_Content_Get> _api_Content_Get;
public ContentService(IStoredProcedure<Content, API_Content_Get> api_Content_Get)
    _api_Content_Get = api_Content_Get;

public async Task<Content?> Get(API_Content_Get schema)
    Content? result = await _api_Content_Get.ExecuteAsync(schema);
    return result;




public interface IStoreProcedure<Result, Schema>
where Result : IBaseEntity?
where Schema : IBaseSchema {
   Task<Result> ExecuteAsync(Schema model);

似乎默认情况下,在可为空的上下文中,类型约束意味着不可为空,因此要获得可空性,您必须将 ? 添加到类型约束中。