如何使用 pybind11 提供默认枚举值?
How to provide default enum value with pybind11?
但我找不到在 PyBind11 enum example 和文档中提供枚举默认值的正确方法,例如:
struct Pet
enum Kind
Dog = 0,
Pet(const std::string &name) : name(name)
void setName(const std::string &name_)
name = name_;
const std::string &getName() const
return name;
Kind test(Kind kind = Dog)
if(kind == Dog)
std::cout << "Dog" << std::endl;
if(kind == Cat)
std::cout << "Cat" << std::endl;
return kind;
std::string name;
py::class_<Pet> pet(m, "Pet");
pet.def(py::init<const std::string &>())
.def("setName", &Pet::setName)
.def("getName", &Pet::getName)
.def("test", &Pet::test, py::arg("kind") = Pet::Kind::Dog)
.def("__repr__", [](const Pet &a) { return "<example.Pet named '" + a.name + "'>"; }
py::enum_<Pet::Kind>(pet, "Kind")
.value("Dog", Pet::Kind::Dog)
.value("Cat", Pet::Kind::Cat)
py::arg("kind") = Pet::Kind::Dog
当我 运行 它在 Python 中时,我收到错误。
from pet import Pet as p
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: arg(): could not convert default argument into a Python object (type not registered yet?). Compile in debug mode for more information.
当我尝试用字符串值初始化它时出现错误,即 "Dog" 或 1.
这是一个简单的排序问题:加载时,执行模块定义中的语句以创建 Python 类、函数等。因此,首先定义 Kind
(在 Python 端,即)允许解释器在稍后定义 test
py::class_<Pet> pet(m, "Pet");
py::enum_<Pet::Kind>(pet, "Kind")
.value("Dog", Pet::Kind::Dog)
.value("Cat", Pet::Kind::Cat)
pet.def(py::init<const std::string &>())
.def("setName", &Pet::setName)
.def("getName", &Pet::getName)
.def("test", &Pet::test, py::arg("kind") = Pet::Kind::Dog)
.def("__repr__", [](const Pet &a) { return "<example.Pet named '" + a.name + "'>"; }
但我找不到在 PyBind11 enum example 和文档中提供枚举默认值的正确方法,例如:
struct Pet
enum Kind
Dog = 0,
Pet(const std::string &name) : name(name)
void setName(const std::string &name_)
name = name_;
const std::string &getName() const
return name;
Kind test(Kind kind = Dog)
if(kind == Dog)
std::cout << "Dog" << std::endl;
if(kind == Cat)
std::cout << "Cat" << std::endl;
return kind;
std::string name;
py::class_<Pet> pet(m, "Pet");
pet.def(py::init<const std::string &>())
.def("setName", &Pet::setName)
.def("getName", &Pet::getName)
.def("test", &Pet::test, py::arg("kind") = Pet::Kind::Dog)
.def("__repr__", [](const Pet &a) { return "<example.Pet named '" + a.name + "'>"; }
py::enum_<Pet::Kind>(pet, "Kind")
.value("Dog", Pet::Kind::Dog)
.value("Cat", Pet::Kind::Cat)
py::arg("kind") = Pet::Kind::Dog
当我 运行 它在 Python 中时,我收到错误。
from pet import Pet as p
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: arg(): could not convert default argument into a Python object (type not registered yet?). Compile in debug mode for more information.
当我尝试用字符串值初始化它时出现错误,即 "Dog" 或 1.
这是一个简单的排序问题:加载时,执行模块定义中的语句以创建 Python 类、函数等。因此,首先定义 Kind
(在 Python 端,即)允许解释器在稍后定义 test
py::class_<Pet> pet(m, "Pet");
py::enum_<Pet::Kind>(pet, "Kind")
.value("Dog", Pet::Kind::Dog)
.value("Cat", Pet::Kind::Cat)
pet.def(py::init<const std::string &>())
.def("setName", &Pet::setName)
.def("getName", &Pet::getName)
.def("test", &Pet::test, py::arg("kind") = Pet::Kind::Dog)
.def("__repr__", [](const Pet &a) { return "<example.Pet named '" + a.name + "'>"; }