Siri 自定义意图可以为每个输入参数显示自定义 UI 吗?

Can Siri custom intents display custom UI for every input parameter?

来自 Apple 文档的以下描述

Although SiriKit often passes only one parameter at a time to your configureView(for:of:interactiveBehavior:context:completion:) method, you can configure a view that displays content for any number of parameters. When calling the completion handler of your configuration method, provide SiriKit with the set of parameters that your interface displays. Before creating a new view controller with the next set of parameters, SiriKit checks to see if you already displayed those parameters. If you did, SiriKit does not ask you to display them again.

我期待在以下情况下调用 configureView 方法

  1. 在用户提供任何参数输入之前。这次 INParameter 列表将为空
  2. 在询问用户输入的每个参数之前。所以我们可以决定是否为该输入显示自定义 UI 或允许 siri 显示它的默认值 UI.

所以我创建了一个接受 3 个参数的自定义意图(类别 Order)。并且必须在每个输入参数期间向用户显示自定义 UI。

但是对 configureView 方法的调用仅在用户提供所有输入参数后发生一次。所以总是显示来自 Siri 的默认 UI。 INParameter 列表也是空的。

是否可以为每个输入参数显示自定义 UI?或者这仅限于系统意图?

我正在测试 iOS 13.



You can only customize the view for the confirm and handle phases of handling an intent -- you can't customize the UI during the resolution of a value for a parameter. This is true of both system and custom intents.