为大型密集方阵的列表切片赋值 (Python)

Assigning values to list slices of large dense square matrices (Python)

我正在处理大小为 NxN ~(100k x 100k) 的大型密集方阵,它们太大而无法放入内存。

经过一些研究,我发现大多数人通过使用 numpy 的 memappytables 包来处理大型矩阵。但是,我发现这些软件包似乎有很大的局限性。他们似乎都不提供支持 ASSIGN 值来沿多维列出磁盘上矩阵的切片。

我想寻找一种有效的方法来为大型密集方阵 M 赋值,例如:

M[0, [1,2,3], [8,15,30]] = np.zeros((3, 3)) # or

M[0, [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3], [8,8,8,15,15,15,30,30,30]] = 0 # for memmap

The Leaf ``/M`` is exceeding the maximum recommended rowsize (104857600 bytes);
be ready to see PyTables asking for *lots* of memory and possibly slow
I/O.  You may want to reduce the rowsize by trimming the value of
dimensions that are orthogonal (and preferably close) to the *main*
dimension of this leave.  Alternatively, in case you have specified a
very small/large chunksize, you may want to increase/decrease it.


首先,请注意在 numpy(不确定 pytables)中 M[0, [1,2,3], [8,15,30]] 将 return 一个形状为 (3,) 的数组对应于元素 M[0,1,8]M[0,2,15]M[0,3,30],因此将 np.zeros((3,3)) 分配给它会引发错误。


np.save('M.npy', np.random.randn(5,5,5))  # create some dummy matrix
M = np.load('M.npy', mmap_mode='r+')  # load such matrix as a memmap
M[[0,1,2],[1,2,3],[2,3,4]] = 0
M.flush()  # make sure thing is updated on disk
del M
M = np.load('M.npy', mmap_mode='r+')  # re-load matrix
print(M[[0,1,2],[1,2,3],[2,3,4]])  # should show array([0., 0., 0.])