具有结构的 ECS 中的组件实现

Component Implementation in a ECS with structs


我正在尝试实现一个实体组件系统,但我被组件实现困住了。我打算有一个通用组件类型,其中包含每个组件的静态位,例如Position 类型的组件具有 Bit=0,Sprite 类型的组件具有 Bit=1,等等。一个组件应该只包含它所拥有的值,因此我从结构开始。以下是我对此的尝试(不是工作代码):

    struct Position : Component<Position> //this does not work in c#
        public int x, y;

    internal struct ComponentBit
        public static int bitCounter = 0;


    public struct Component<T>
        public static readonly int bit;

        static Component()
            bit = ComponentBit.bitCounter++;

        public int GetBit()
            return bit;

在那之后我发现结构无法继承,所以我尝试将结构更改为 类 有效。


是否有任何方法可以像在 C++(模板)中那样使用结构来实现这些功能?出于 implementation/performance 原因,我想将它们保留为值类型而不是引用类型。



Position pos = new Position(x, y);
int bit1 = pos.GetBit(); // or
int bit2 = Position.bit; // both should be possible



struct Position
    public int X, Y;

    public Position(int x, int y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;

现在,您仍然可以使用 Component<T> 作为 int 字典 (Dictionary<Type, int>) 的类型。虽然,我将以最少的更改来完成这项工作:

internal static class ComponentBit
    public static int bitCounter = 0;


public static class Component<T>
    public static readonly int bit; // This is static, it has a value per type T

    static Component()
        bit = ComponentBit.bitCounter++;

    public static int GetBit()
        // This method only accesses static members, it can be static
        // Thus, no instance of T is needed
        return bit;


Position pos = new Position(x, y);
int bit1 = Component<Position>.GetBit();
int bit2 = Component<Position>.bit;



public static class Component
    internal static int bitCounter = 0;

    public static int GetBit<T>()
        where T : struct // We only accept structs here
        return Component<T>.bit;

    public static int GetBit<T>(this ref T value)
        where T : struct // We only accept structs here
        // This is an extension method.
        // It will appear as a method on any valid T (which is all structs)
        // The type T will be infered from the instance.
        // Passing the struct as a reference to avoid a copy
        _ = value; // discard value
        return GetBit<T>();

internal static class Component<T>
    where T : struct // We only accept structs here
    internal static readonly int bit;

    static Component()
        bit = Component.bitCounter++;


var pos = new Position(x, y);
var bit1 = Component.GetBit<Position>();
var bit2 = pos.GetBit();

是的,以上代码编译运行。在 SharpLab.


注意:我会考虑在 Component 中嵌套 Component<T>