带有 base 和 sub-类 的扩展方法

Extension methods with base and sub-classes


请求重新打开,因为其他 SO 答案没有解决方案,但对该问题的评论之一有一个我想接受的解决方案,因为它适用于该场景。


我在使用非抽象基础 classes 和子 classes 编写扩展方法时遇到问题 select 适当的扩展方法。

Example Code

我在下面有一个非常简单的示例(从一个更大的项目中抽象出来),它使用了扩展方法 "Run"。预期输出列在每个 class.

public class Parent { }; // Should output "Parent"
public class ChildA : Parent { }; // Should output "Child A"
public class ChildB : Parent { }; // Should output "Parent"

// Expected Output: ChildA, Parent, Parent
public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var commands = new List<Parent>() { new ChildA(), new ChildB(), new Parent() };
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", commands.Select(c => c.Run())));


  1. 无类型检查 - 以独占方式使用 Parent 扩展方法(Parent、Parent、Parent)
  2. 显式类型检查 - 正确的输出,但必须为每种扩展可能性(ChildA、Parent、Parent)显式检查类型
  3. 尝试 Convert.ChangeType 动态类型 - 运行 次异常,因为扩展不会捕获动态类型(无输出)
  4. 尝试使用反射进行通用转换 - 还不是很实用,但不确定方法是否有效


public static class Extensions
    public static string Run(this ChildA model)
        return "ChildA";
    public static string Run(this Parent model)
        return model.Run1(); // Change to test different approaches
    public static string Run1(this Parent model) // No type-checking
        return "Parent";
    public static string Run2(this Parent model) // Explicitly check sub-types
        if (model is ChildA)
            return ((ChildA)model).Run();
            return "Parent";
    public static string Run3(this Parent model) // Attempted dynamic type conversion
        if (model.GetType().BaseType == typeof(Parent))
            dynamic changedObj = Convert.ChangeType(model, model.GetType());
            return changedObj.Run();
            return "Parent";
    public static string Run4(this Parent model) // Attempted reflected generic type conversion
        if (model.GetType().BaseType == typeof(Parent))
            var method = typeof(Extensions).GetMethod("Cast");
            var generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { model.GetType() });
            //var generic = generic.Invoke(new object(), null);
            //return generic.Run();
            return "Not working yet";
            return "Parent";
    public static T Cast<T>(this object input)
        return (T) input;   


ParentChildA 创建两个扩展方法,您可以使用 dynamic 将关联移动到运行时。

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", commands.Select(c => Extensions.Run(c as dynamic)))); 

最好的 运行 方法重载在编译时解决,对于 List<Parent> 的项目,它是 Run(this Parent model)。可以在扩展方法中使用反射来模仿多态行为


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public static class Extensions
    private static Dictionary<Type, MethodInfo> _runs;
    private static Type  _parentType;

    static Extensions()
        _parentType = typeof(Parent);        
        _runs = new Dictionary<Type, MethodInfo>();

        // overloads of Run method, which return string for different types derived from Parent
        var methods = typeof(Extensions)
                      .Where(m => m.Name == "Run" && m.ReturnType == typeof(string));

        foreach(var mi in methods)
            var args = mi.GetParameters();
            //  method should have only one parameter
            if (args.Length != 1 || _parentType.IsAssignableFrom(args[0].ParameterType) == false)
            _runs.Add(args[0].ParameterType, mi);


// 重载

    public static string Run(this ChildA model)
        return "ChildA";

    public static string Run(this Parent model, object args)
        // this method is not added to _runs (2 parameters)
        return null;

    public static int Run(this ChildC model)
        // this method is not added to _runs (return int)
        return 0;

    public static string Run(this Parent model) // Attempted dynamic type conversion
        // not really correct
        if (model == null)
            return "Parent";            
        var t = model.GetType();
        if (t == _parentType)       
            return "Parent";
        // invoke overload for type t
        if (_runs.ContainsKey(t))       
            return (string) _runs[t].Invoke(null, new object[] {model});        
        return "Not working yet";

// 用法

public class Parent { };          // Should output "Parent"
public class ChildA : Parent { }; // Should output "Child A"
public class ChildB : Parent { }; // Should output "Not working yet"
public class ChildC : Parent { };

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var commands = new List<Parent>() { new ChildA(), new ChildB(), new Parent(),  new ChildC(), (ChildA)null};
        Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", commands.Select(c => c.Run())));

        // extension method can be invoked for null

        //// crashes on (ChildA)null with error: 
        //// The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Extensions.Run(ChildA)' and 'Extensions.Run(ChildC)'
        //Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", commands.Select(c => Extensions.Run(c as dynamic))));



扩展方法 Run(this Parent model)null 参数有问题(无法正确解析类型)

dynamic 技巧在大多数情况下都有效,但是 :

  1. 调用 int Run(this ChildC model) 方法,returns int 不像其他方法 string (当 (ChildA)null 从列表中删除时)
  2. 崩溃并出现 The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Extensions.Run(ChildA)' and 'Extensions.Run(ChildC)' 错误(我不明白)