在 AppStore 中更改 App 的主要语言

Change primary language for an App in the AppStore


您需要获得 Apple 批准的语言。只有这样,如果不是第一次提交,您才能更改主要语言。因此,请填写所有必填信息并提交 languages/version 以供审核。获得批准后,下拉菜单将激活,您可以更改主要语言。


来自Apple's documentation:

You can change the primary language for an app. In order for a language to be selectable as a primary language:

You must already have added the language to a previous version.

The new language must be approved by App Review. If the language has not been approved, submit a version with this localized metadata to be approved. Then, select it as your primary language on a subsequent update.

You must already have uploaded screenshots for that language that were approved by App Review. If the screenshots for that localization are being derived from another localization’s screenshots, you must first manually add screenshots for that language and submit a version with these screenshots to be approved. Then, select it as your primary language on a subsequent update.

1.From the homepage, click My Apps, then select the app.

2.From the Primary Language pop-up menu, choose the new primary language.
