JavaScript 中的图像预加载和顺序显示

Image preload and sequential display in JavaScript


  1. 预加载图像(最多 40-50 张),并在完成后进行回调(例如警报)(我认为这部分已经很好)
  2. 要点:一张一张的显示图片div,尽可能准确记录显示时间(另外,任何一张图片都可能显示多次)
  3. 在另一个 div 中显示相同的图像(如果我有第 2 点,这应该相当容易)

有关更多上下文:这是一个响应时间实验,在线参与者可以看到图片并对其做出关键响应(并测量他们的响应时间)。 (另外,显示之间至少有200-500ms的间隔,所以每次显示之前的准备工作稍微花点时间也没问题。)


让我感到困惑的一件事是 "appendChild" 在浏览器中的确切作用。 (换句话说:我知道该元素将被添加到页面中,但我不知道这对浏览器意味着什么。)目前我在实际显示之前只是稍微附加了图像(100 毫秒) ,然后我通过将不透明度设置为 0 到 1 (which is presumed to be the most optimal method for precise timing) 来实现。然后我在显示下一张图片之前删除图片(清空 div)。但我想知道这样做是否有任何意义。例如,如果我附加所有已经在 "preloading phase" 中的图像,并在不需要时将它们的不透明度设置为 0 会怎样?这对性能有何影响?或者,如果(虽然我宁愿不这样做)我在不透明度变化之前附加它们怎么办? "appending" 是否需要任何时间,或者它能以任何方式影响即将到来的不透明度变化的时间吗? (编辑:现在我有了主要问题的答案,但如果能得到关于这一点的解释,那还是很好的。)

明显的问题是我无法真正准确地测量显示时间(没有外部硬件),所以我不得不依靠"seems to make sense"。


var preload = ['', '', '', ''];
var promises = [];
var images = {};
// the function below preloads images; its completion is detected by the function at the end of this script
for (var i = 0; i < preload.length; i++) {
  (function(url, promise) {
    var filename = url.split('/').pop().split('#')[0].split('?')[0];
    images[filename] = new Image();
    images[filename].id = filename; // i need an id to later change its opacity
    images[filename].style.opacity = 0;
    images[filename].style.willChange = 'opacity';
    images[filename].style['max-height'] = '15%';
    images[filename].style['max-width'] = '15%';
    images[filename].onload = function() {
    images[filename].src = url;
  })(preload[i], promises[i] = $.Deferred());

// the function below does the actual display
function image_display(img_name, current_div) {
  window.warmup_needed = true;
  document.getElementById(current_div).innerHTML = ''; // remove previous images
  document.getElementById(current_div).appendChild(images[img_name]); // append new image (invisible; opacity == 0)
  chromeWorkaroundLoop(); // part of the timing mechanism
  setTimeout(function() {
    document.getElementById(img_name).style.opacity = 1; // HERE i make the image visible
    requestPostAnimationFrame(function() {
      window.stim_start = now(); // HERE i catch the time of display (image painted on screen)
      warmup_needed = false;
  }, 100); // time needed for raF timing "warmup"

// below are functions for precise timing; see 
function monkeyPatchRequestPostAnimationFrame() {
  const channel = new MessageChannel();
  const callbacks = [];
  let timestamp = 0;
  let called = false;
  channel.port2.onmessage = e => {
    called = false;
    const toCall = callbacks.slice();
    callbacks.length = 0;
    toCall.forEach(fn => {
      try {
      } catch (e) {}
  window.requestPostAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument 1 is not callable');
    if (!called) {
      requestAnimationFrame((time) => {
        timestamp = time;
      called = true;
if (typeof requestPostAnimationFrame !== 'function') {

function chromeWorkaroundLoop() {
  if (warmup_needed) {

// below i execute some example displays after preloading is complete

$.when.apply($, promises).done(function() {
  console.log("All images ready!");
  // now i can display images
  // e.g.:
  image_display('1.jpg', 'my_div');

  // then, e.g. 1 sec later another one

  setTimeout(function() {
    image_display('5.png', 'my_div');
  }, 1000);

<script src=""></script>
<div id='my_div'></div>


在能够将其呈现在屏幕上之前,浏览器可能还必须执行一些其他操作,例如将其完全解码为可以移动到 GPU 的位图,以便最终呈现在屏幕上.

这至少可以在 Firefox 中看到,方法是使用同步 drawImage 方法在 canvas 上绘制图像;对于大图像,此 drawImage() 调用即使在您的代码 运行 之后也可能需要几毫秒,表明他们尚未完全解码它:

var preload = [''];
var promises = [];
var images = {};
// the function below preloads images; its completion is detected by the function at the end of this script
for (var i = 0; i < preload.length; i++) {
  (function(url, promise) {
    var filename = url.split('/').pop().split('#')[0].split('?')[0];
    images[filename] = new Image();
    images[filename].id = filename; // i need an id to later change its opacity
    images[filename].style.opacity = 0;
    images[filename].style.willChange = 'opacity';
    images[filename].style['max-height'] = '15%';
    images[filename].style['max-width'] = '15%';
    images[filename].onload = function() {
    images[filename].onerror = promise.reject;
    images[filename].src = url;
  })(preload[i] + '?r='+Math.random(), promises[i] = $.Deferred());

// the function below does the actual display
function image_display(img_name, current_div) {
  window.warmup_needed = true;
  document.getElementById(current_div).innerHTML = ''; // remove previous images
  document.getElementById(current_div).appendChild(images[img_name]); // append new image (invisible; opacity == 0)
  chromeWorkaroundLoop(); // part of the timing mechanism
  setTimeout(function() {
    document.getElementById(img_name).style.opacity = 1;
    const c = document.createElement('canvas');
    c.width = document.getElementById(img_name).width
    c.height = document.getElementById(img_name).height;
    console.time('paint1');    c.getContext("2d").drawImage(document.getElementById(img_name),0,0);

    console.time('paint2');    c.getContext("2d").drawImage(document.getElementById(img_name),0,0);

    // HERE i make the image visible
    requestPostAnimationFrame(function() {
      window.stim_start = now(); // HERE i catch the time of display (image painted on screen)
      warmup_needed = false;
  }, 100); // time needed for raF timing "warmup"

// below are functions for precise timing; see 
function monkeyPatchRequestPostAnimationFrame() {
  const channel = new MessageChannel();
  const callbacks = [];
  let timestamp = 0;
  let called = false;
  channel.port2.onmessage = e => {
    called = false;
    const toCall = callbacks.slice();
    callbacks.length = 0;
    toCall.forEach(fn => {
      try {
      } catch (e) {}
  window.requestPostAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument 1 is not callable');
    if (!called) {
      requestAnimationFrame((time) => {
        timestamp = time;
      called = true;
if (typeof requestPostAnimationFrame !== 'function') {

function chromeWorkaroundLoop() {
  if (warmup_needed) {

// below i execute some example displays after preloading is complete

$.when.apply($, promises).done(function() {
  console.log("All images ready!");
  // now i can display images
  // e.g.:
  image_display('Black_hole_-_Messier_87.jpg', 'my_div');
<h4>run this snippet in Firefox</h4>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='my_div'></div>

在我的 FF 上我得到

All images ready!
paint1: 665.000ms
paint2: 0.000ms

这意味着在您开始测量我的响应时间后,对于这个巨大的图像,屏幕将空白 650 毫秒。



与其呈现不同的 <img>,不如冒着完全重排页面、触发 CSS t运行 位置或其他可能延迟图像显示的风险,保持低水平level,使用单个可见的 DOM 元素,并使用同步绘制方法。换句话说,使用 HTMLCanvasElement.

var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

// modified version of image_display function
function image_display(img_name, current_div) {
  window.warmup_needed = true;
  chromeWorkaroundLoop(); // part of the timing mechanism
  setTimeout(function() {
    // clear previous
    ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
    // request the painting to canvas
    // synchronous decoding + conversion to bitmap
    var img = images[img_name];
    // probably better to use a fixed sized canvas
    // but if you wish you could also change its width and height attrs
    var ratio = img.naturalHeight / img.naturalWidth;
    ctx.drawImage( img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.width * ratio );
    // at this point it's been painted to the canvas,
    // remains only passing it to the screen
    requestPostAnimationFrame(function() {
      window.stim_start =;
      warmup_needed = false;
  }, 100); // time needed for raF timing "warmup"

// preloading is kept the same
var preload = ['', '', '', ''];
var promises = [];
var images = {};
// the function below preloads images; its completion is detected by the function at the end of this script
for (var i = 0; i < preload.length; i++) {
  (function(url, promise) {
    var filename = url.split('/').pop().split('#')[0].split('?')[0];
    images[filename] = new Image();
    images[filename].id = filename; // i need an id to later change its opacity
    images[filename].style.opacity = 0;
    images[filename].style.willChange = 'opacity';
    images[filename].style['max-height'] = '15%';
    images[filename].style['max-width'] = '15%';
    images[filename].onload = function() {
    images[filename].src = url;
  })(preload[i], promises[i] = $.Deferred());

// below are functions for precise timing; see 
function monkeyPatchRequestPostAnimationFrame() {
  const channel = new MessageChannel();
  const callbacks = [];
  let timestamp = 0;
  let called = false;
  channel.port2.onmessage = e => {
    called = false;
    const toCall = callbacks.slice();
    callbacks.length = 0;
    toCall.forEach(fn => {
      try {
      } catch (e) {}
  window.requestPostAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
    if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
      throw new TypeError('Argument 1 is not callable');
    if (!called) {
      requestAnimationFrame((time) => {
        timestamp = time;
      called = true;
if (typeof requestPostAnimationFrame !== 'function') {

function chromeWorkaroundLoop() {
  if (warmup_needed) {

// below i execute some example displays after preloading is complete

$.when.apply($, promises).done(function() {
  console.log("All images ready!");
  // now i can display images
  // e.g.:
  image_display('1.jpg', 'my_div');

  // then, e.g. 1 sec later another one

  setTimeout(function() {
    image_display('5.png', 'my_div');
  }, 1000);

canvas {
  max-width: 15%;
  max-height: 15%
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="500" height="500"></canvas>

请注意,Web 浏览器远不是您要执行的操作的完美工具。他们更喜欢 UI 响应速度和低内存使用率,而不是响应时间准确性。