当前页面只有 select 行使用 Ag-grid 中 header 上的复选框

Only select rows from current page using checkbox on header in Ag-grid

我面临一个与 Ag-grid 相关的问题,当我们选中 header 的复选框时,它们 select 所有总记录(所有分页页面)我只想select 当前页面数据,例如:我在第 1 页有 10 条记录,那么它们应该 select 在网格中只有 10 条记录。

为您的问题创建解决方案我选择了自定义组件,这将有助于定义要在列定义级别使用的自定义 header 渲染器。

CustomHeader 将负责网格中的复选框显示 - post:

  CustomHeader.prototype.init = function(params) { ... }

复选框显示在第一列(使用 isFirstColumn 函数)并将在每次分页更改时刷新 或复选框选择 (onPaginationChanged onSelectionChanged)。 这是强制性的,因为只有在所有行都被选中时才需要检查元素。

refreshHeader() Redraws the header. Useful if a column name changes, or something else that changes how the column header is displayed.

  // grid definition
  $scope.gridOptions = {
    defaultColDef: {
      sortable: true,
      filter: true,
      resize: true,
      checkboxSelection: isFirstColumn
    onPaginationChanged: onPaginationChanged,
    onSelectionChanged: onSelectionChanged

  // events handlers
  function onSelectionChanged(event) {

  function onPaginationChanged(event) {

  function isFirstColumn(params) {

    return params.column.colId === "make";

    //Previous implementation with detecting
    //first column but slows down the grid
    //var displayedColumns = params.columnApi.getAllDisplayedColumns();
    //var thisIsFirstColumn = displayedColumns[0] === params.column;
    //return thisIsFirstColumn;

Working example AngularJs

Working example Angular5

不需要任何自定义组件的简单 code-based 解决方案:

paginationChanged 事件侦听器附加到 onGridReady 网格事件:

onGridReady = (params) =>
    this.gridApi.addEventListener('paginationChanged', (e) =>
            //Reset rows selection based on current page


resetPaginationSelection = (self) =>
    //Deselect previously selected rows to reset selection

    //Initialize pagination data
    let paginationSize = self.gridApi.paginationGetPageSize();
    let currentPageNum = self.gridApi.paginationGetCurrentPage();
    let totalRowsCount = self.gridApi.getDisplayedRowCount();

    //Calculate current page row indexes
    let currentPageRowStartIndex = (currentPageNum * paginationSize);
    let currentPageRowLastIndex = (currentPageRowStartIndex + paginationSize);
    if(currentPageRowLastIndex > totalRowsCount) currentPageRowLastIndex = (totalRowsCount);

    for(let i = 0; i < totalRowsCount; i++)
        //Set isRowSelectable=true attribute for current page rows, and false for other page rows
        let isWithinCurrentPage = (i >= currentPageRowStartIndex && i < currentPageRowLastIndex);