如何使用 postgresql-simple 检索 JSON jsonb 值?

How to retrieve JSON jsonb value with postgresql-simple?

我在 postgresql 数据库中有一列 (jsonExample),类型为 jsonb

selectCALogs :: IO [(Int, Object)]
selectCALogs = do
  con <- connection
  query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"jsonExample\" from cluster"


    • No instance for (Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField.FromField
                            Text Value))
        arising from a use of ‘query_’
    • In a stmt of a 'do' block:
        query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"clusterCALogs\" 
from cluster"
      In the expression:
        do con <- connection
           query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"clusterCALogs\"from cluster"
      In an equation for ‘selectCALogs’:
            = do con <- connection
                 query_ con "select \"clusterId\", 
\"clusterCALogs\" from cluster"
80 |   query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"clusterCALogs\" 
from cluster"
   |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

我怎样才能得到它 return 一个 JSON 对象 - 使用 aeson 或其他东西?

查看此处的 FromField 个实例 (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/postgresql-simple-0.6.2/docs/Database-PostgreSQL-Simple-FromField.html#t:FromField) 我意识到它应该是 Value 而不是 Object


selectCALogs :: IO [(Int, Value)]
selectCALogs = do
  con <- connection
  query_ con "select \"clusterId\", \"jsonExample\" from cluster"