How to implement build in function .eval() with recursive function
我有一个字符串“1+1”,javascript 内置函数 eval() 我可以执行 eval(“1+1”) 所以 return 值将为 2
但是如果我想在 javascript 中将这个概念实现为递归函数呢?
function evaluate(str) {
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return "";
let angka;
let symbol;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (isNaN(str[i])) {
symbol = str[i];
angka = str[i];
switch (symbol) {
case "+":
return angka + evaluate(str.slice(1));
case "-":
return angka - evaluate(str.slice(1));
case "/":
return angka / evaluate(str.slice(1));
case "*":
return angka * evaluate(str.slice(1));
return parseInt(str[0]) + evaluate(str.slice(1));
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return ""
let numbers = "";
let operator = "";
let lastIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(str[i]))) {
numbers += parseInt(str[i]);
operator = str[i];
lastIndex = i;
// console.log(numbers, " " , operator , " " , lastIndex);
lastIndex = lastIndex < 1 ? 1 : lastIndex;
if (operator === "+") {
return numbers + evaluate(str.slice(lastIndex));
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return 1;
let numbers = "";
for (let i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) {
if(parseInt(str[i]) >= 0){
numbers = numbers + "+" + str[i];
let lengthNumbers = numbers.length > 1 ? numbers.length : 1;
let tempNumbers = numbers;
numbers = "";
return tempNumbers + evaluate(str.slice(lengthNumbers))
function evaluate(str) {
let numbers = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
switch (str[i]) {
case "+":
return parseInt(numbers) + evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
case "*":
return parseInt(numbers) * evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
case "/":
return parseInt(numbers) / evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
case "-":
return parseInt(numbers) - evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
numbers += str[i];
return parseInt(str[0]);
console.log(evaluate('1+2+3+4+5')) // 15
console.log(evaluate('1*2*3*4*5')) // 120
console.log(evaluate('20/4')) // 5
console.log(evaluate('20-6')) // 14
而且没有人工作!我知道 eval 会拯救我的一天,但在这种情况下我需要解决这个问题,谢谢。
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return ""
// Function to apply the operator from right to left
const applyOperator = (operator, left, right) => {
result = left;
switch(operator) {
case '+':
result += right;
case '-':
result -= right;
case '*':
result *= right;
case '/':
// Avoid division by zero
if(right !== 0) {
result /= right;
return result;
let result = 0;
let numbers = "";
let operator = null;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let c = str[i]; // Isolate the character
let isLast = i === str.length - 1; // Flag to check if we're on the last character
// Ignore spaces or tabs
if (c === ' ' || c === '\t') {
// Check if c is a number
if (!isNaN(parseInt(c))) {
// If it's a number add it to the number builder
numbers += c;
// If it's not the last character then continue to the next character
if(!isLast) {
// Convert the numbers stack into an integer and reset the stack
let number = parseInt(numbers);
numbers = '';
// If there was no operator before,
// then just set the result with the number and store the operator for the next calculation
if(operator === null) {
result = number;
operator = c;
} else {
// Apply the previous operator the the result using the number
result = applyOperator(operator, result, number);
// Store the current operator for the next calculation
operator = c;
return result;
document.getElementById('results').textContent =
"1 + 1",
"1 - 1",
"1 * 1",
"1 / 1",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10"
].map(exp => `${exp} = ${evaluate(exp)}`).join('\n');
<pre id="results"></pre>
我不认为我们试图在这里实现某种 compiling/interpreting 引擎,但为了测试结果,这里是一个以正确顺序执行每个算术运算的版本 *, /, -, +
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return ""
// Function to apply the operator from right to left
const applyOperator = (operator, left, right) => {
result = left;
switch(operator) {
case '+':
result += right;
case '-':
result -= right;
case '*':
result *= right;
case '/':
// Avoid division by zero
if(right !== 0) {
result /= right;
return result;
const passApply = (exp, opApply) => {
let result = 0;
let numbers = "";
let operator = null;
let prevWasOp = false;
let sign = '';
let parsed = '';
for (let i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {
let c = exp[i]; // Isolate the character
let isLast = i === exp.length - 1; // Flag to check if we're on the last character
// Ignore spaces or tabs
if (c === ' ' || c === '\t') {
// Check if c is a number
if (!isNaN(parseInt(c))) {
// If it's a number add it to the number builder
numbers += c;
prevWasOp = false;
// If it's not the last character then continue to the next character
if(!isLast) {
} else if(prevWasOp || i === 0) {
// Checked for signed number
if(/[\+-]/.test(c)) {
sign = c;
prevWasOp = false;
// Convert the numbers stack into an integer and reset the stack
let number = parseInt(`${sign}${numbers}`);
// Reset the sign if there was any
sign = '';
// If there was no operator before,
// then just set the result with the number and store the operator for the next calculation
if(operator === null) {
result = number;
operator = c;
if(opApply !== operator) {
parsed += `${numbers}${operator}`;
result = 0;
} else {
if(opApply === operator) {
// Apply the previous operator the the result using the number
result = applyOperator(operator, result, number);
// Store the current operator for the next calculation
if(c !== opApply) {
parsed += `${result}`;
if(!isLast) {
parsed += `${c}`;
result = 0;
operator = c;
} else {
if(c !== opApply) {
parsed += `${numbers}`;
if(!isLast) {
parsed += `${c}`;
operator = c;
result = number;
numbers = '';
prevWasOp = ['+', '-', '*', '/'].indexOf(c) >= 0;
return parsed;
// Exeture each operator pass
const mulPass = passApply(str, '*');
const divPass = passApply(mulPass, '/');
const subPass = passApply(divPass, '-');
const addPass = passApply(subPass, '+');
// Convert result to int and return the result
return parseInt(result);
document.getElementById('results').textContent =
"1 + 1",
"1 - 1",
"1 * 1",
"1 / 1",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3"
].map(exp => {
const result = evaluate(exp);
return `${exp} = ${result} eval(${result === eval(exp) ? 'OK' : 'ERROR'})`;
<pre id="results"></pre>
另一种方法是将您的字符串变成一个可以作为堆栈计算的数组,然后对该堆栈进行简单的计算。例如,我们可以将 "10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10"
变为 [10, 20, "-", 30, "+", 2, "*", 10, "/"]
const evalExpr = (ops) => (expr) => expr
.replace (/([-+*\/])(\s)*(\d+)/g, (_, a, b, c) => c + b + a)
.split (/\s+/)
.map (n => Number(n) || n)
.reduce (
(stack, symbol, _, __, op = ops[symbol]) => op
? [... stack.slice(0, -2), op(...stack.slice(-2))]
: [... stack, symbol]
, []
) [0];
const ops = {
'+': (a, b) => a + b,
'-': (a, b) => a - b,
'*': (a, b) => a * b,
'/': (a, b) => a / b,
const evalNumericExpr = evalExpr (ops);
// Test
"1 + 1",
"1 - 1",
"1 * 1",
"1 / 1",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3"
.forEach (expr => console .log (`${expr} ==> ${evalNumericExpr (expr)}`))
和 map
步骤一起将此字符串变成一个堆栈以供处理。 reduce
步骤实际处理该数组,在堆栈上添加和删除元素。随着 "10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10"
变为 [10, 20, "-", 30, "+", 2, "*", 10, "/"]
stack: [], next: 10 // Push 10 onto the stack
stack: [10], next: 20 // Push 20 onto the stack
stack: [10, 20], next: '-' // Pop 10 and 20 from the stack. Push (10 - 20) to it
stack: [-10], next: 30 // Push 30 to the stack
stack: [-10, 30], next: '+' // Pop -10 and 30 from the stack. Push (-10 + 30) to it
stack: [20], next: 2 // Push 2 to the stack
stack: [20, 2], next: '*' // Pop 20 and 2 from the stack. Push (20 * 2) to it
stack: [40], next: 10 // Push 10 to the stack
stack: [40, 10], next: '/' // Pop 40 and 10 from the stack. Push (40 / 10) to it
stack: [4] // For a well-formed expression, the stack now has just
// one element on it, and that's your result.
有很多方法可以扩展它。显然,添加新的二进制操作是微不足道的。我们还可以通过将缩减中的 -2
替换为 -op.length
来向缩减中添加其他元数操作(尽管将字符串转换为堆栈格式会更棘手)。如果我们想处理小数,我们可以将正则表达式更改为 /([-+*\/])(\s)*(\-?\d+(:?\.\d+)?)/g
祝贺我们。我们刚刚写了一个 Forth interpreter!
// Does not test for well-formedness. Will likely return NaN for
// ill-formed expression strings
const evalNumericExpr = (
[regex, fn, ops] = [
// parentheses
[/\(([^())]*)\)/, (ops, expr, regex) => evalNumericExpr (expr.replace(regex, (_, e) => evalNumericExpr(e))), {}],
// multiplication and division
[/\s*(\-?\d+)\s*([/*])\s*(\-?\d+)/, (ops, expr, regex) => evalNumericExpr (expr .replace (
(_, a, op, b) => String(ops[op](Number(a), Number(b)))
)), {'*': (a, b) => a * b, '/': (a, b) => a / b}],
// addition and subtraction
[/\s*(\-?\d+)\s*([+-])\s*(\-?\d+)/, (ops, expr, regex) => evalNumericExpr (expr .replace (
(_, a, op, b) => String(ops[op](Number(a), Number(b)))
)), {'+': (a, b) => a + b, '-': (a, b) => a - b}],
// everything else
[/.?/, (ops, expr, regex) => Number(expr.trim()), {}]
].find(([regex, fn, ops]) => regex.test(expr))
) => fn(ops, expr, regex)
// Test
; [
"1 + 5",
"7 - 2",
"3 * 5",
"21 / 3",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"5 * 2 + (3 * 5)",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"10 - ((4 * 5) - (5 * 6)) * 2 / 10",
"10 - ((4 * (2 + 3)) - (5 * 6)) * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3"
].forEach (expr => console .log (`${expr} ==> ${evalNumericExpr (expr)}`))
更新 2
const evalNumericExpr = (() => {
const ops = [
[ // grouping
(evaluator, subexpr) => evaluator(subexpr)
], [ //exponentiation
(_, base, exp, rest) => `${base ** exp}${rest}`
], [ // multiplication, divide, remainder
((ops) => ((_, a, op, b) => ops [op] (Number (a), Number (b))))(
{'*': (a, b) => a * b, '/': (a, b) => a / b, '%': (a, b) => a % b}
], [ // addition, subtraction
((ops) => ((_, a, op, b) => ops [op] (Number (a), Number (b))))(
{'+': (a, b) => a + b, '-': (a, b) => a - b}
const evaluator = (expr) => Number(ops .reduce(
(expr, [regex, fn]) => regex .test (expr)
? evaluator(expr .replace (regex, (...args) => fn (evaluator, ...args .slice (1))))
: expr,
return evaluator
// Test
; [
"1 + 3",
"7 - 2",
"2 * 6",
"12 / 4",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3",
"10 + (13 - 5) * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3",
"5 * (4 + (2 * (1 + 1 + 1)))",
"5 ^ 2",
"5 ^ 2 * 2",
"2 ^ 3 ^ 2", // Note: should parse as `2 ^ (3 ^ 2)`, not `(2 ^ 3) ^ 2`
"2 ^ 3 ^ 2 + 3 ^ 3 * 2",
.forEach (expr => console .log (`${expr} ==> ${evalNumericExpr (expr)}`))
我们的工作方式是将一个正则表达式与一个函数相关联,该函数将与该正则表达式一起用作 replace
回调。每个这样的对都是 运行 重复,直到输入中没有更多匹配项。
它首先处理带括号的分组(从内到外),然后是求幂,然后是乘法、除法和余数,最后是加法和减法。此排序基于标准 JS operator precedence 图表。括号的分组在继续之前在内部重复出现,并且所有函数在剩余的表达式上重复出现。请注意,正确关联的求幂有一些额外的工作要做,包括将字符串的其余部分作为捕获组,测试它不包含任何求幂运算符;这可能更好地写成负面的前瞻性,但我不是一个正则表达式专家。另请注意,我将插入符号 (^
) 用于求幂运算符;如果愿意,更改为双星号 (**
) 应该很容易。
2 ^ 3 ^ (4 ^ 2 - 5 * 3 + 1) - (((2 + 2) * (2 * 5) ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
4 ^ 2 - 5 * 3 + 1 // grouping
16 - 5 * 3 + 1 // exponentiation
16 - 15 + 1 // multiplication
1 + 1 // subtraction
2 // addition
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - (((2 + 2) * (2 * 5) ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
2 + 2 // grouping
4 // addition
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - (( 4 * (2 * 5) ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
2 * 5 // grouping
10 // multiplication
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - (( 4 * 10 ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
4 * 10 ^ 2 // grouping
4 * 100 // exponentiation
400 // multiplication
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - ( 400 + (2 * 5 * 7))
2 * 5 * 7 // grouping
10 * 7 // multiplication
70 // multiplication
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - ( 400 + 70)
400 + 70 // grouping
470 // addition
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - 470
2 ^ 9 - 470 // expoentiation
512 - 470 // exponentiation
42 // subtraction
function evaluate(str) {
var reg = /[*/+-]/
var temp = ''
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
if(str[i] === '+') {
return parseInt(temp) + evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else if(str[i] === '-') {
return parseInt(temp) - evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else if(str[i] === '*') {
return parseInt(temp) * evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else if(str[i] === '/') {
return parseInt(temp) / evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else {
temp += str[i]
else {
return parseInt(str)
console.log(evaluate('1+2+3+4+5')) // 15
console.log(evaluate('1*2*3*4*5')) // 120
console.log(evaluate('20/4')) // 5
console.log(evaluate('20-6')) // 14
我有一个字符串“1+1”,javascript 内置函数 eval() 我可以执行 eval(“1+1”) 所以 return 值将为 2
但是如果我想在 javascript 中将这个概念实现为递归函数呢?
function evaluate(str) {
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return "";
let angka;
let symbol;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (isNaN(str[i])) {
symbol = str[i];
angka = str[i];
switch (symbol) {
case "+":
return angka + evaluate(str.slice(1));
case "-":
return angka - evaluate(str.slice(1));
case "/":
return angka / evaluate(str.slice(1));
case "*":
return angka * evaluate(str.slice(1));
return parseInt(str[0]) + evaluate(str.slice(1));
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return ""
let numbers = "";
let operator = "";
let lastIndex = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(str[i]))) {
numbers += parseInt(str[i]);
operator = str[i];
lastIndex = i;
// console.log(numbers, " " , operator , " " , lastIndex);
lastIndex = lastIndex < 1 ? 1 : lastIndex;
if (operator === "+") {
return numbers + evaluate(str.slice(lastIndex));
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return 1;
let numbers = "";
for (let i = 0; i <= str.length; i++) {
if(parseInt(str[i]) >= 0){
numbers = numbers + "+" + str[i];
let lengthNumbers = numbers.length > 1 ? numbers.length : 1;
let tempNumbers = numbers;
numbers = "";
return tempNumbers + evaluate(str.slice(lengthNumbers))
function evaluate(str) {
let numbers = "";
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
switch (str[i]) {
case "+":
return parseInt(numbers) + evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
case "*":
return parseInt(numbers) * evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
case "/":
return parseInt(numbers) / evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
case "-":
return parseInt(numbers) - evaluate(str.slice(numbers.length+1))
numbers += str[i];
return parseInt(str[0]);
console.log(evaluate('1+2+3+4+5')) // 15
console.log(evaluate('1*2*3*4*5')) // 120
console.log(evaluate('20/4')) // 5
console.log(evaluate('20-6')) // 14
而且没有人工作!我知道 eval 会拯救我的一天,但在这种情况下我需要解决这个问题,谢谢。
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return ""
// Function to apply the operator from right to left
const applyOperator = (operator, left, right) => {
result = left;
switch(operator) {
case '+':
result += right;
case '-':
result -= right;
case '*':
result *= right;
case '/':
// Avoid division by zero
if(right !== 0) {
result /= right;
return result;
let result = 0;
let numbers = "";
let operator = null;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
let c = str[i]; // Isolate the character
let isLast = i === str.length - 1; // Flag to check if we're on the last character
// Ignore spaces or tabs
if (c === ' ' || c === '\t') {
// Check if c is a number
if (!isNaN(parseInt(c))) {
// If it's a number add it to the number builder
numbers += c;
// If it's not the last character then continue to the next character
if(!isLast) {
// Convert the numbers stack into an integer and reset the stack
let number = parseInt(numbers);
numbers = '';
// If there was no operator before,
// then just set the result with the number and store the operator for the next calculation
if(operator === null) {
result = number;
operator = c;
} else {
// Apply the previous operator the the result using the number
result = applyOperator(operator, result, number);
// Store the current operator for the next calculation
operator = c;
return result;
document.getElementById('results').textContent =
"1 + 1",
"1 - 1",
"1 * 1",
"1 / 1",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10"
].map(exp => `${exp} = ${evaluate(exp)}`).join('\n');
<pre id="results"></pre>
我不认为我们试图在这里实现某种 compiling/interpreting 引擎,但为了测试结果,这里是一个以正确顺序执行每个算术运算的版本 *, /, -, +
function evaluate(str) {
if (str.length === 0) {
return ""
// Function to apply the operator from right to left
const applyOperator = (operator, left, right) => {
result = left;
switch(operator) {
case '+':
result += right;
case '-':
result -= right;
case '*':
result *= right;
case '/':
// Avoid division by zero
if(right !== 0) {
result /= right;
return result;
const passApply = (exp, opApply) => {
let result = 0;
let numbers = "";
let operator = null;
let prevWasOp = false;
let sign = '';
let parsed = '';
for (let i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) {
let c = exp[i]; // Isolate the character
let isLast = i === exp.length - 1; // Flag to check if we're on the last character
// Ignore spaces or tabs
if (c === ' ' || c === '\t') {
// Check if c is a number
if (!isNaN(parseInt(c))) {
// If it's a number add it to the number builder
numbers += c;
prevWasOp = false;
// If it's not the last character then continue to the next character
if(!isLast) {
} else if(prevWasOp || i === 0) {
// Checked for signed number
if(/[\+-]/.test(c)) {
sign = c;
prevWasOp = false;
// Convert the numbers stack into an integer and reset the stack
let number = parseInt(`${sign}${numbers}`);
// Reset the sign if there was any
sign = '';
// If there was no operator before,
// then just set the result with the number and store the operator for the next calculation
if(operator === null) {
result = number;
operator = c;
if(opApply !== operator) {
parsed += `${numbers}${operator}`;
result = 0;
} else {
if(opApply === operator) {
// Apply the previous operator the the result using the number
result = applyOperator(operator, result, number);
// Store the current operator for the next calculation
if(c !== opApply) {
parsed += `${result}`;
if(!isLast) {
parsed += `${c}`;
result = 0;
operator = c;
} else {
if(c !== opApply) {
parsed += `${numbers}`;
if(!isLast) {
parsed += `${c}`;
operator = c;
result = number;
numbers = '';
prevWasOp = ['+', '-', '*', '/'].indexOf(c) >= 0;
return parsed;
// Exeture each operator pass
const mulPass = passApply(str, '*');
const divPass = passApply(mulPass, '/');
const subPass = passApply(divPass, '-');
const addPass = passApply(subPass, '+');
// Convert result to int and return the result
return parseInt(result);
document.getElementById('results').textContent =
"1 + 1",
"1 - 1",
"1 * 1",
"1 / 1",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3"
].map(exp => {
const result = evaluate(exp);
return `${exp} = ${result} eval(${result === eval(exp) ? 'OK' : 'ERROR'})`;
<pre id="results"></pre>
另一种方法是将您的字符串变成一个可以作为堆栈计算的数组,然后对该堆栈进行简单的计算。例如,我们可以将 "10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10"
变为 [10, 20, "-", 30, "+", 2, "*", 10, "/"]
const evalExpr = (ops) => (expr) => expr
.replace (/([-+*\/])(\s)*(\d+)/g, (_, a, b, c) => c + b + a)
.split (/\s+/)
.map (n => Number(n) || n)
.reduce (
(stack, symbol, _, __, op = ops[symbol]) => op
? [... stack.slice(0, -2), op(...stack.slice(-2))]
: [... stack, symbol]
, []
) [0];
const ops = {
'+': (a, b) => a + b,
'-': (a, b) => a - b,
'*': (a, b) => a * b,
'/': (a, b) => a / b,
const evalNumericExpr = evalExpr (ops);
// Test
"1 + 1",
"1 - 1",
"1 * 1",
"1 / 1",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3"
.forEach (expr => console .log (`${expr} ==> ${evalNumericExpr (expr)}`))
和 map
步骤一起将此字符串变成一个堆栈以供处理。 reduce
步骤实际处理该数组,在堆栈上添加和删除元素。随着 "10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10"
变为 [10, 20, "-", 30, "+", 2, "*", 10, "/"]
stack: [], next: 10 // Push 10 onto the stack
stack: [10], next: 20 // Push 20 onto the stack
stack: [10, 20], next: '-' // Pop 10 and 20 from the stack. Push (10 - 20) to it
stack: [-10], next: 30 // Push 30 to the stack
stack: [-10, 30], next: '+' // Pop -10 and 30 from the stack. Push (-10 + 30) to it
stack: [20], next: 2 // Push 2 to the stack
stack: [20, 2], next: '*' // Pop 20 and 2 from the stack. Push (20 * 2) to it
stack: [40], next: 10 // Push 10 to the stack
stack: [40, 10], next: '/' // Pop 40 and 10 from the stack. Push (40 / 10) to it
stack: [4] // For a well-formed expression, the stack now has just
// one element on it, and that's your result.
有很多方法可以扩展它。显然,添加新的二进制操作是微不足道的。我们还可以通过将缩减中的 -2
替换为 -op.length
来向缩减中添加其他元数操作(尽管将字符串转换为堆栈格式会更棘手)。如果我们想处理小数,我们可以将正则表达式更改为 /([-+*\/])(\s)*(\-?\d+(:?\.\d+)?)/g
祝贺我们。我们刚刚写了一个 Forth interpreter!
// Does not test for well-formedness. Will likely return NaN for
// ill-formed expression strings
const evalNumericExpr = (
[regex, fn, ops] = [
// parentheses
[/\(([^())]*)\)/, (ops, expr, regex) => evalNumericExpr (expr.replace(regex, (_, e) => evalNumericExpr(e))), {}],
// multiplication and division
[/\s*(\-?\d+)\s*([/*])\s*(\-?\d+)/, (ops, expr, regex) => evalNumericExpr (expr .replace (
(_, a, op, b) => String(ops[op](Number(a), Number(b)))
)), {'*': (a, b) => a * b, '/': (a, b) => a / b}],
// addition and subtraction
[/\s*(\-?\d+)\s*([+-])\s*(\-?\d+)/, (ops, expr, regex) => evalNumericExpr (expr .replace (
(_, a, op, b) => String(ops[op](Number(a), Number(b)))
)), {'+': (a, b) => a + b, '-': (a, b) => a - b}],
// everything else
[/.?/, (ops, expr, regex) => Number(expr.trim()), {}]
].find(([regex, fn, ops]) => regex.test(expr))
) => fn(ops, expr, regex)
// Test
; [
"1 + 5",
"7 - 2",
"3 * 5",
"21 / 3",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 - 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"5 * 2 + (3 * 5)",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"10 - ((4 * 5) - (5 * 6)) * 2 / 10",
"10 - ((4 * (2 + 3)) - (5 * 6)) * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3"
].forEach (expr => console .log (`${expr} ==> ${evalNumericExpr (expr)}`))
更新 2
const evalNumericExpr = (() => {
const ops = [
[ // grouping
(evaluator, subexpr) => evaluator(subexpr)
], [ //exponentiation
(_, base, exp, rest) => `${base ** exp}${rest}`
], [ // multiplication, divide, remainder
((ops) => ((_, a, op, b) => ops [op] (Number (a), Number (b))))(
{'*': (a, b) => a * b, '/': (a, b) => a / b, '%': (a, b) => a % b}
], [ // addition, subtraction
((ops) => ((_, a, op, b) => ops [op] (Number (a), Number (b))))(
{'+': (a, b) => a + b, '-': (a, b) => a - b}
const evaluator = (expr) => Number(ops .reduce(
(expr, [regex, fn]) => regex .test (expr)
? evaluator(expr .replace (regex, (...args) => fn (evaluator, ...args .slice (1))))
: expr,
return evaluator
// Test
; [
"1 + 3",
"7 - 2",
"2 * 6",
"12 / 4",
"2 + 4 + 7",
"5 * 2 + 10",
"10 - 20 + 30 * 2 / 10",
"1 + 5 * 2 + 12 * 2 * 2",
"10 + 13 - 5 * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3",
"10 + (13 - 5) * 3 + 12 / 3 + 3",
"5 * (4 + (2 * (1 + 1 + 1)))",
"5 ^ 2",
"5 ^ 2 * 2",
"2 ^ 3 ^ 2", // Note: should parse as `2 ^ (3 ^ 2)`, not `(2 ^ 3) ^ 2`
"2 ^ 3 ^ 2 + 3 ^ 3 * 2",
.forEach (expr => console .log (`${expr} ==> ${evalNumericExpr (expr)}`))
我们的工作方式是将一个正则表达式与一个函数相关联,该函数将与该正则表达式一起用作 replace
回调。每个这样的对都是 运行 重复,直到输入中没有更多匹配项。
它首先处理带括号的分组(从内到外),然后是求幂,然后是乘法、除法和余数,最后是加法和减法。此排序基于标准 JS operator precedence 图表。括号的分组在继续之前在内部重复出现,并且所有函数在剩余的表达式上重复出现。请注意,正确关联的求幂有一些额外的工作要做,包括将字符串的其余部分作为捕获组,测试它不包含任何求幂运算符;这可能更好地写成负面的前瞻性,但我不是一个正则表达式专家。另请注意,我将插入符号 (^
) 用于求幂运算符;如果愿意,更改为双星号 (**
) 应该很容易。
2 ^ 3 ^ (4 ^ 2 - 5 * 3 + 1) - (((2 + 2) * (2 * 5) ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
4 ^ 2 - 5 * 3 + 1 // grouping
16 - 5 * 3 + 1 // exponentiation
16 - 15 + 1 // multiplication
1 + 1 // subtraction
2 // addition
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - (((2 + 2) * (2 * 5) ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
2 + 2 // grouping
4 // addition
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - (( 4 * (2 * 5) ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
2 * 5 // grouping
10 // multiplication
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - (( 4 * 10 ^ 2) + (2 * 5 * 7))
4 * 10 ^ 2 // grouping
4 * 100 // exponentiation
400 // multiplication
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - ( 400 + (2 * 5 * 7))
2 * 5 * 7 // grouping
10 * 7 // multiplication
70 // multiplication
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - ( 400 + 70)
400 + 70 // grouping
470 // addition
2 ^ 3 ^ 2 - 470
2 ^ 9 - 470 // expoentiation
512 - 470 // exponentiation
42 // subtraction
function evaluate(str) {
var reg = /[*/+-]/
var temp = ''
for(let i = 0; i < str.length; i++){
if(str[i] === '+') {
return parseInt(temp) + evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else if(str[i] === '-') {
return parseInt(temp) - evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else if(str[i] === '*') {
return parseInt(temp) * evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else if(str[i] === '/') {
return parseInt(temp) / evaluate(str.substring(i+1))
else {
temp += str[i]
else {
return parseInt(str)
console.log(evaluate('1+2+3+4+5')) // 15
console.log(evaluate('1*2*3*4*5')) // 120
console.log(evaluate('20/4')) // 5
console.log(evaluate('20-6')) // 14