React Native 中的堆栈导航器。错误 "undefined is not an object (evaluating this.props.navigation)"

Stack Navigator in React Native. Error "undefined is not an object (evaluating this.props.navigation)"



在 app.js 我创建了一个堆栈导航器:

const Switcher = createStackNavigator(
    TaskPg: ListScreen,
    AboutPg: AboutScreen
    initialRouteName: "TaskPg",
    defaultNavigationOptions: {
      title: 'BlueList'

在 ListScreen 中有一个按钮,用户可以按此按钮转到“关于”页面。

const ListScreen = () => {

    return (
        <View style={styles.container}>

            {/* add task component with date picker */}
            <AddItemModel />

            {/* button pressed to goto About Screen */}
                onPress={() => this.props.navigation.navigate(AboutScreen)}
                title="About App" />

            {/* sign out button linked to firebase log out */}
            <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => firebase.auth().signOut()} >
                <Text style={styles.button} >Sign Out</Text>



export default ListScreen

运行 代码,每次按下按钮时,我都会收到错误 undefined is not an object (evaluating this.props.navigation)

由于您的 ListScreen 是功能组件,this.props 不存在。

将您的 ListScreen 声明更改为:

const ListScreen = props => {...}

