Yii2:correct 列表框的语法?

Yii2:correct syntax for listbox?

我正在尝试使用列表框并对多 select 使用以下语法,但它不起作用。

<?= $form->field($model, 'weekday')->listBox([


我可以在列表框中多select,但它返回一个空值。如果我参加 multiple'=>true 部分,那么它会返回正确的值,但是我无法进行 multi-select.




public函数规则() {

    return [
        [['appointment_date'], 'safe'],
        [['priority', 'weekday'], 'string', 'max' => 20]



public function actionCreate()
        $model = new Appointment();

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
            return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
        } else {
            return $this->render('create', [
                'model' => $model,

在更新 aragachev 的答案中的建议代码后我得到的错误的堆栈跟踪

变得未知 属性:app\models\Appointment::工作日 1. 在 E:\wamp\www\HospitalErp\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\base\Component.php 中的第 143 行 134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152

 foreach ($this->_behaviors as $behavior) {
            if ($behavior->canGetProperty($name)) {
                return $behavior->$name;
    if (method_exists($this, 'set' . $name)) {
        throw new InvalidCallException('Getting write-only property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);
    } else {
        throw new UnknownPropertyException('Getting unknown property: ' . get_class($this) . '::' . $name);//line 143

 * Sets the value of a component property.
 * This method will check in the following order and act accordingly:
 *  - a property defined by a setter: set the property value
 *  - an event in the format of "on xyz": attach the handler to the event "xyz"

2. in E:\wamp\www\HospitalErp\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\db\BaseActiveRecord.php – yii\base\Component::__get('weekday') at line 247
3. in E:\wamp\www\HospitalErp\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\helpers\BaseArrayHelper.php – yii\db\BaseActiveRecord::__get('weekday') at line 190
4. in E:\wamp\www\HospitalErp\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\widgets\DetailView.php – yii\helpers\BaseArrayHelper::getValue(app\models\Appointment, 'weekday') at line 209
5. in E:\wamp\www\HospitalErp\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\widgets\DetailView.php – yii\widgets\DetailView::normalizeAttributes() at line 123
6. in E:\wamp\www\HospitalErp\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\base\Object.php – yii\widgets\DetailView::init() 

原因是 StringValidator 附加到模型规则中的 weekday 属性:

[['priority', 'weekday'], 'string', 'max' => 20],

由于 multiple => true 选项,您收到的是一个数组,而不是字符串(即使只有一个选择)。它根本没有通过验证。

Yii 2 中没有内置数组验证器。


2) 我建议将工作日列表放在单独的方法中:

public static function getWeekdaysList()
    return [
        'monday' => 'Monday',
        'tuesday' => 'Tuesday',
        'wednesday' => 'Wednesday',
        'thursday' => 'Thursday',
        'friday' => 'Friday',
        'saturday' => 'Saturday',
        'sunday' => 'Sunday',

3)创建inline validator,例如,像这样:

public function validateWeekdays ($attribute, $params)
    $label = '«' . $this->getAttributeLabel($attribute) . '»';

    // Checking if it's array first
    if (is_array(!$this->$attribute)) {    
        $this->addError($attribute, "$label must be array.");


    $allowedWeekdays = array_keys(static::getWeekdaysList());

    // Checking if every selection is in list of allowed values
    foreach ($this->$attribute as $weekday) 
        if (!in_array($weekday, $allowedWeekdays)) {
            $this->addError($attribute, "$label - $weekday is not in allowed list");


阅读 offical guide 中有关内联验证器的更多信息。

4) 将其附加到模型规则中的 weekdays:

['weekdays', 'validateWeekDays'],

如果您不想验证 weekDays 您应该将其显式标记为安全属性,以便为它大量分配其他属性:

['weekdays', 'safe'],

5) 在视图中,您可以将代码简化为:

<?= $form->field($model, 'weekdays')->listBox(Appointment::getWeekdaysList(), [
    'multiple' => true,
    'size' => 7,
]) ?> 

还有一点要注意 - weekday 今天是工作日,周六和周日除外。更正确的形式是 星期几.