CanvasJS:如何从星期六开始按周标记 axisX?

CanvasJS: How to label axisX by week starting on Saturday?

我正在使用 CanvasJS 按周创建堆积条形图。我们的周从周六开始,但 CanvasJS 似乎默认周从周日开始。因此,此图表的标签从 11/3 开始,而不是我需要的 11/2。

我在 CanvasJS 论坛上发现 this post,这表明设置最小值和最大值可能会有所帮助,但是当我尝试这样做时,它只是移动了绘图区域(如您所料) ,但标签仍然反映星期日,而不是星期六

      <script type="text/javascript">
      window.onload = function () {
        var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",
          text: "Evening Sales of a Restaurant"
          axisX: {
            intervalType: "week",
            interval: 1
          data: [
            type: "stackedBar",
             dataPoints: [
            { x: new Date("11/2/2019"), y: 71 },
            { x: new Date("11/9/2019"), y: 55},
            { x: new Date("11/16/2019"), y: 50 },
            { x: new Date("11/23/2019"), y: 65 },
            { x: new Date("11/30/2019"), y: 95 }
            type: "stackedBar",
             dataPoints: [
            { x: new Date("11/2/2019"), y: 20 },
            { x: new Date("11/9/2019"), y: 35},
            { x: new Date("11/16/2019"), y: 30 },
            { x: new Date("11/23/2019"), y: 45 },
            { x: new Date("11/30/2019"), y: 25 }

     <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></head>
      <div id="chartContainer" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;">

来自 CanvasJS:

It’s not possible to control the starting point of label, as of now. We will reconsider this behaviour in future releases.