使用 DB2 Select 从 Table 获取异常

Getting Exception With DB2 Select from Table

在 Netbeans 上使用 DB2 从 table 尝试 select 时,我一直得到 "java.sql.SQLException: Column 'id' not found."。这是我的 table 创建代码:

string="CREATE TABLE PlayerCollection "
                + "(id integer not null GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1),"
                + "name varchar(20),"
                + "height varchar(20),"
                + "weight varchar(20),"
                + "position varchar(20),"
                + "team varchar(20),"
                + "PRIMARY KEY (id))";

这是我从 table 到 select 的代码:

String sql = "select name, height, weight, position, team from PlayerCollection "
                        + "where id=" + strIndex;

即使 "id" 明显存在于我的 table 中,为什么我会收到此异常?我该如何解决这个问题?

int ind = rs.getInt("id");


结果集仅包含您 select 的列,因此您必须在 select 列表中包含 id 列:

String sql = "select id, name, height, weight, position, team from PlayerCollection "
           + "where id=" + strIndex;

或者因为您在 WHERE 子句中使用的变量 strIndex 中有 id 的值,只需删除行:

int ind = rs.getInt("id");


int ind = Integer.parseInt(strIndex);