词性标记 "list-item-marker" 的一些示例是什么?

What are some examples of the part-of-speech tag "list-item-marker"?

有哪些例句包含会被标记为 LS(列表项标记)的单词?

此标签用于 spacy,似乎来自 UPENN:

宾夕法尼亚大学: https://www.ling.upenn.edu/courses/Fall_2003/ling001/penn_treebank_pos.html

斯帕西: https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/blob/master/spacy/glossary.py#L68

带句点的项目列表是我见过的 LS 项目的方式。这是一个例子:

import spacy
doc= nlp('''The system shall:
1) Reprogram software.
2) Reprogram data.
3) Read/write to memory.
4) Lock/unlock flash memory.
5) Clear memory.
6) Range check.''')

print("Token Attributes: \n", "token.text, token.pos_, token.tag_, token.dep_, token.orth_")
for token in doc:
    # Print the text and the predicted part-of-speech tag
    print("{:<12}{:<12}{:<12}{:<12}{:<12}".format(token.text, token.pos_, token.tag_, token.dep_, token.orth_))


Token Attributes: 
 token.text, token.pos_, token.tag_, token.dep_, token.orth_
The         DET         DT          det         The         
system      NOUN        NN          nsubj       system      
shall       VERB        MD          ROOT        shall       
:           PUNCT       :           punct       :           

           SPACE       _SP                     

1           PUNCT       LS          dep         1           
)           PUNCT       -RRB-       punct       )           
Reprogram   PROPN       NNP         compound    Reprogram   
software    NOUN        NN          dobj        software    
.           PUNCT       .           punct       .           

           SPACE       _SP                     

2           PUNCT       LS          dobj        2           
)           PUNCT       -RRB-       punct       )           
Reprogram   PROPN       NNP         compound    Reprogram   
data        NOUN        NNS         dobj        data        
.           PUNCT       .           punct       .           

           SPACE       _SP                     

3           PUNCT       LS          ROOT        3           
)           PUNCT       -RRB-       punct       )           
Read        VERB        VB          dep         Read        
/           SYM         SYM         punct       /           
write       VERB        VBP         ROOT        write       
to          ADP         IN          prep        to          
memory      NOUN        NN          pobj        memory      
.           PUNCT       .           punct       .           

           SPACE       _SP                     

4           PUNCT       LS          ROOT        4           
)           PUNCT       -RRB-       punct       )           
Lock        PROPN       NNP         npadvmod    Lock        
/           SYM         SYM         punct       /           
unlock      ADJ         JJ          compound    unlock      
flash       NOUN        NN          compound    flash       
memory      NOUN        NN          ROOT        memory      
.           PUNCT       .           punct       .           

           SPACE       _SP                     

5           PUNCT       LS          nummod      5           
)           PUNCT       -RRB-       punct       )           
Clear       ADJ         JJ          amod        Clear       
memory      NOUN        NN          ROOT        memory      
.           PUNCT       .           punct       .           

           SPACE       _SP                     

6           PUNCT       LS          nummod      6           
)           PUNCT       -RRB-       punct       )           
Range       NOUN        NN          compound    Range       
check       NOUN        NN          ROOT        check       
.           PUNCT       .           punct       .           