
How to aligment nodes with highcharts

我正在尝试对齐节点,但我看不到任何选项如何做, 目前我的代码是

Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
    type: 'networkgraph',
    plotBorderWidth: 1
title: {
    text: 'Trans-Siberian Railway'
subtitle: {
    text: 'Barnes-Hut approximation'
plotOptions: {
    networkgraph: {
        layoutAlgorithm: {
            enableSimulation: false,
            linkLength: 100,
            integration: 'verlet',
            approximation: 'barnes-hut',
            gravitationalConstant: 4,
                // Elastic like forces:
            attractiveForce: function (d, k) {
             return (k - d) / d; 
         /*    repulsiveForce: function (d, k) {
                return Math.min((k * k) / (d), 100);
            } */

series: [{
    marker: {
        radius: 3,
        lineWidth: 1
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: true,
        linkFormatter: function () {
            return '';
    nodes: [

        id: 'test',
        marker: {
            radius: 10
        id: 'Moscow',
        marker: {
            radius: 10
    }, {
        id: 'Beijing',
        marker: {
            radius: 10
        id: 'Brussels',
        marker: {
            radius: 10
        id: 'Bangkok',
        marker: {
            radius: 10
    data: [
        { from: 'Bangkok', to: 'Beijing', color: 'blue' },
        { from: 'Moscow', to: 'Beijing', color: 'blue' },
         { from: 'test', to: 'Moscow', color: 'blue' },
       { from: 'Beijing', to: 'Brussels', color: 'blue' },





您应该能够使用 initialPositions 回调在网络图表中设置固定头寸。为了很好地工作,您还需要将 maxIterations 设置为一些小值,例如 1.


initialPositions: function() {
    var chart = this.series[0].chart,
      width = chart.plotWidth,
      height = chart.plotHeight;
    this.nodes.forEach(function(node, i) {
        if(i === 0){
        node.plotX = 600;
        node.plotY = 100;
      if(i === 1) {
        node.plotX = 350;
        node.plotY = 100;
      if(i === 2){
        node.plotX = 200;
        node.plotY = 0;
      if(i === 3) {
        node.plotX = 0;
        node.plotY = 0;
      if(i === 4) {
        node.plotX = 200;
        node.plotY = 200;

API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.networkgraph.layoutAlgorithm.maxIterations

API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.networkgraph.layoutAlgorithm.initialPositions

