在节点中重用 MongoDB 连接

Reusing MongoDB connection in node

这是我得到的错误:[Error: db object already connecting, open cannot be called multiple times]。我在这个誓言测试中有一个全局 mongo 对象。

mongo = new mongo.Db(config.api.apiTest, new mongo.Server('localhost', 27017, {}), {native_parser: off, safe: true})


所以即使我第一次使用 db.close() 它似乎也没有关闭。是否有另一种重新使用连接的方法?

  "Redis - ":
    "Standard account - ":
      topic: ->

        # .
        redisClient.del "#{ accountId }:900"

        mongo.open (error, db) =>
          secondDb = db.db config.api.accountTest

          secondDb.collection 'accounts', (error, accountsColl) =>
            accountsColl.update {'accountId': ObjectID(accountId)}, { "$unset": {'permission': ''}}, (error, records) =>
              console.log "Unset? " + records

        inventory = nock('http://inventory.honshuu.vgrnt:80')
            .get("/devices/?accountId=#{ accountId }&userId=#{ userId }")
            .reply(200, 'OK')

        httpRequest.get '', @callback

      "Ratelimit is applied correctly":
        (error, response, body) ->
          accountLimit = response.headers['x-ratelimit-limit']
          assert.equal response.headers['x-ratelimit-remaining'], 240-1
          assert.equal response.headers['x-ratelimit-reset'], 900

      topic: ->
        # Need to fetch permission in db.
        # redisClient.del "permission-#{ accountId }", (error, result) =>
        #   console.log "removes"
        #   console.log result

        inventory = nock('http://inventory.honshuu.vgrnt:80')
          .get("/devices/?accountId=#{ accountId }&userId=#{ userId }")
          .reply(200, 'OK')

        mongo.open (error, db) =>
          secondDb = db.db config.api.accountTest
          console.log secondDb

          secondDb.collection 'accounts', (error, accountsColl) =>
            accountsColl.update {'accountId': ObjectID(accountId)}, { 'permission': 1000}, (error, records) =>
              console.log "updated? " + records
              httpRequest.get '', @callback


      "account has more rate tokens":
        (error, response, body) ->
          console.log response
          console.log error
          # accountLimit = response.headers['x-ratelimit-limit']
          # assert.equal response.headers['x-ratelimit-remaining'], 1000-1
          # assert.equal response.headers['x-ratelimit-reset'], 900
          # assert.equal response.headers['x-ratelimit-limit'], 1000

就像节点中的大多数东西一样,db.close 是异步的并接受回调。您需要传递回调或对其进行承诺并 return 承诺。您的下一个连接调用只能在您确定数据库连接已关闭时完成,并且您只能通过处理回调知道这一点。

db.close(function (err) {
  if (err) return console.error('OH NOES, AN ERROR:', err);
  // db is now closed, do whatevs