您可以在 CloudWatch 中显示跨区域所有实例的聚合统计信息吗?

Can you show Aggregating Statistics in CloudWatch for ALL INSTANCES ACROSS REGIONS?

AWS Doc 状态,"You can aggregate the metrics for AWS resources across multiple resources. Amazon CloudWatch can't aggregate data across Regions. Metrics are completely separate between Regions"。

但接下来是一个示例,其中指出,"For example, you can aggregate statistics for your EC2 instances that have detailed monitoring enabled. Instances that use basic monitoring aren't included. Therefore, you must enable detailed monitoring (at an additional charge), which provides data in 1-minute periods."

作为该文档的 reader,我想知道 "ALL INSTANCES" 是否意味着





You can also use CloudWatch metric math to aggregate and transform metrics from multiple accounts and Regions.