Salesforce 自定义按钮返回“意外令牌非法?”

Salesforce custom button returning 'Unexpected Token ILLEGAL?


/*Getting the Running User Details*/
var result = 
    "SELECT Advisor__c " + 
    "FROM User " +
    "WHERE Id = '{!$User.Id}'"

/*Grab the Records returned by executing the above SOQL Query*/
var userDetails = result.getArray("records")[0];

/*Initializing the Contact record for Update*/
var contactToUpdate = new sforce.SObject("Contact");

contactToUpdate.Id = "{!Contact.Id}";

/*If the Running User is an "Advisor" then set the
Contact With and associated fields*/
if(userDetails.Advisor__c === true){
contactToUpdate.Contact_With__c = "{!$User.Id}";
contactToUpdate.Last_Advisor_Touch__c = new Da​te();
/*If the Running User isn't an "Advisor" then set the
Contact With 2 and associated fields*/
contactToUpdate.Contact_With_2__c = "{!$User.Id}";
contactToUpdate.Last_Non_Advisor_Touch__c = new Date();

var result = sforce.connection.update([contactToUpdate]);

if(result[0].success === true){

我在名为 "Advisor" 的用户配置文件中添加了一个自定义复选框字段,该代码假设根据用户是否选中此框来区分要更新的字段。如果是更新这个字段,如果不是更新那个字段。相反,尽管它返回了一个“意外的令牌非法”。不知道为什么。

下一行似乎有一个特殊的隐藏字符 contactToUpdate.Last_Advisor_Touch__c = new Da​ te();

在单词日期 如果您只是重写它,它应该可以工作。 具体来说,你有臭名昭著的 ZERO WIDTH SPACE between Da and te probably comes from this. To eliminate such things you can use this tool or this one