
Is it OK to continue reading from stream after failure?


int a, b;
while (file1 >> a, file2 >> b, file1 || file2) {
    if (file1 && file2) ... // use of both a and b
    if (file1) ... // use of a
    if (file2) ... // use of b



长答案:operator >> 表现为格式化输入函数 [istream.formatted.arithmetic]. Formatted input functions construct a local sentry object and only perform input if converting that sentry object to bool results in the value true [istream.formatted.reqmts]. By default (if you did not override this behavior by supplying custom character traits to the stream), an object of type std::sentry will be used. An std::sentry that has been constructed for a stream will evaluate to true only if good() was true [istream::sentry]. good() only returns true if neither failbit nor badbit nor eofbit are set [iostate.flags]/7. If operator >>(int&) attempts to input (due to successful construction and check of the sentry) but fails to do so, it will set the failbit [istream.formatted.arithmetic]/3. If the corresponding flag in the exception mask of the stream is set (it is not set by default), setting the failbit will result in an exception being thrown [iostate.flags]/6 [iostate.flags]/5。否则,流将简单地处于失败状态并且哨兵对象的构造将导致下一次 false 直到您调用 clear()


    if (int a; file1 >> a)
        ; // use a
    if (int b; file2 >> b)
        ; // use b
} while (file1 || file2);

是的,你可以做到。一旦流处于失败状态 (failbit),进一步的读取也将失败,但这是您希望发生的情况。这些读取将 不会 抛出异常 - 如果通过流的 exceptions() method. According to this source 显式启用,则 failbit 只会生成异常,默认情况下这些异常未启用:

All streams have goodbit by default (they do not throw exceptions due to error state flags being set).