使用 renderer2 Angular 在按键时将字符包装在 span 元素中

Wrap a character in a span element on key press with renderer2 Angular

我有一个 contenteditable div,它会在用户按“@”时触发一个事件。 它所做的是将按下的 @ 字母包装在同一位置的自定义元素中。


    <div  contenteditable="true" role="textarea" (keydown.@)= "onWrap()">
    onWrap() {
        setTimeout(() => {
          const caretPosition = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
          const range = document.createRange();
          range.setStart(caretPosition.commonAncestorContainer, caretPosition.startOffset - 1);
          range.setEnd(caretPosition.commonAncestorContainer, caretPosition.endOffset );
          const previousNode = (range.cloneContents().lastChild as HTMLElement);
          const newWrap = this.renderer.createElement('my-custom-component');
          //range.surroundContents(newWrap );
        }, 10);


    <div  contenteditable="true" role="textarea">
    this is my editable content and i want to insert here <my-custom-component>@</my-custom-component> and the rest of the text

我想转换 <my-custom-component>

  1. 我目前正在使用 surroundContents,但不推荐使用它,自定义组件也没有改变。也许我必须使用 renderer.appendChild 但我不知道如何使用。
  2. 我正在使用超时,因为在按键时未检测到 @,我不想使用它。

如评论中所述,您可以利用 ComponentRendererFactory 并动态创建和附加组件。您需要的是注入所需的服务。 Injector 是解析组件工厂所必需的,ApplicationRef 是将组件附加到 DOM

    private injector: Injector,
    private cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver,
    private applicationRef: ApplicationRef

Define a dummy component :

  selector: "app-wrapper",
  styleUrls: ["./wrapper.component.css"],
  template: `
    <span style="background-color:aqua">
      {{ innerText }}
export class WrapperComponent {
  innerText: string;

Create component dynamically

 const wrap = this.renderer.createElement("wrapper-container"); // this can be anything but it is required
    const factory = this.cfr.resolveComponentFactory<WrapperComponent>(WrapperComponent);
    const cmp = factory.create(this.injector, [], wrap); // attach your component into host element : `wrapper-container`
    this.applicationRef.attachView(cmp.hostView); // attach component into DOM   
    const contents = range.extractContents(); // extract contents
    cmp.instance.innerText = contents.textContent; // set components text   
    range.insertNode(wrap); // insert everything into range.

这里是 Stackblitz sample