基准实验中使用的学习者的特征重要性 - mlr

Feature importance of learner used in benchmark experiment - mlr

我正在使用 R 中的 mlr 包来比较二元分类任务中的两个学习器,即随机森林和套索分类器。我使用嵌套交叉验证来计算性能。然后,我想计算这些特征对最佳分类器(在本例中为随机森林)的重要性。为实现这一点,我使用 generateFeatureImportanceData(),其中: "Estimate how important individual features or groups of features are by contrasting prediction performances. For method “permutation.importance” compute the change in performance from permuting the values of a feature (or a group of features) and compare that to the predictions made on the unmcuted data." 正如我指定的 measure = auc,输出资源是否通过排列其值为每个特征提供 auc 的减少?



data = read.table("data_past.txt", h = T)


task = makeClassifTask(id = "past_history", data = data, target = 
"DIAG", positive = "BD")

#specifying hyperparameters for random forest
ps_rf = makeParamSet(makeIntegerParam("mtry", lower = 4, upper = 
16),makeDiscreteParam("ntree", values = 1000))

ctrl_rf = makeTuneControlRandom(maxit = 10L)

inner = makeResampleDesc("RepCV", fold = 10, reps = 3, stratify = TRUE)

lrn_rf = makeLearner("classif.randomForest", predict.type = "prob", 
fix.factors.prediction = TRUE)

lrn_rf = makeTuneWrapper(lrn_rf, resampling = inner, par.set = ps_rf, 
control = ctrl_rf, measures = auc, show.info = FALSE)


ft_im = generateFeatureImportanceData(task = task, method = 
"permutation.importance", learner = lrn_rf, measure = auc) 


INC2_A                 0.000000e+00
INC2_B                 0.000000e+00
INC2_F                 0.000000e+00
INC2_G                 0.000000e+00
INC2_H                 0.000000e+00
INC2_I                 0.000000e+00
SEX                    0.000000e+00
marital               -3.211696e-07
inpatient              0.000000e+00
CMS_1                  0.000000e+00
CMS_2                  0.000000e+00
CMS_3                  0.000000e+00
CMS_4                  0.000000e+00
CMS_5                  0.000000e+00
CMS_6                  0.000000e+00
CMS_7                  0.000000e+00
CMS_8                  0.000000e+00
CMS_9                  0.000000e+00
CMS_10                 0.000000e+00
CMS_11                 0.000000e+00
CMS_12                 0.000000e+00
CMS_13                 0.000000e+00
CMS_14                 0.000000e+00
OCS_1                  0.000000e+00
OCS_2                  0.000000e+00
OCS_3                  0.000000e+00
OCS_4                  0.000000e+00
OCS_5                  0.000000e+00
OCS_6                  0.000000e+00
OCS_7                  0.000000e+00
OCS_8                  0.000000e+00
OCS_9                  0.000000e+00
OCS_10                 0.000000e+00
OCS_11                 0.000000e+00
reta                   0.000000e+00
MH_F1                 -1.051220e-03
CP_1BA                 0.000000e+00
CP_1BS                 0.000000e+00
MIXCLINICAL3           0.000000e+00
MIXCLINICAL2           0.000000e+00
MIXDS52Simpt           0.000000e+00
MIXDS53Simpt           0.000000e+00
PAN                    0.000000e+00
OBS                    0.000000e+00
PHO                    0.000000e+00
GAD                    0.000000e+00
EAT_0                  0.000000e+00
ADHD                   0.000000e+00
AlcoolProbUse          0.000000e+00
SubstanceProbUse       0.000000e+00
BMI                   -2.954760e-06
DEP_AGE               -7.996641e-04
NBD_P                 -1.669455e-03
NBDEP                 -8.671578e-06
NBSUI                 -2.055485e-06
NBHOS                 -8.091225e-03
DURDEP                -1.380869e-04
SEV_M                 -3.083132e-03
SEV_D                  0.000000e+00
CMS_sum                0.000000e+00
TOTMIXDSM5             0.000000e+00
GAF                   -1.170663e-05
Age                   -1.172269e-06
Comorbidities_sum      0.000000e+00

是不是绝对值最高的特征越重要? auc 的零值是否意味着该特征与手头的分类任务无关?谢谢。


因此,AUC drop = 0 的特征是不相关的,因为它们不会带来任何附加值(它们与纯随机噪声一样重要)。另一方面,绝对值最高的特征是最重要的,因为改变它们对分数的影响最大。