eBay API PHP - 向客户发送消息

eBay API PHP - Send Message to customers

我想在 eBay 客户购买商品后(通过 eBay Messenger)向他们发送消息。我正在销售 xbox one 的数字代码并制作自动送货系统。我以前看过这个,所以我知道这是可能的。

我一直在研究它并且遇到了 AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner 但我不知道如何在 PHP 中使用它。网站上唯一支持的 API 是 Java 和 C#,出于某种原因 eBay 不使用 PHP。

我已经创建了 PayPal IPN,所以我知道当客户购买产品时,我可以用它来发送电子邮件,但我更愿意直接发送 eBay 消息。

您可以查看 eBay's documentation for AddMemberMessageAAAQToPartner 以查看 XML 请求的示例以及可用的任何参数。

您需要做的就是生成一个 XML 字符串,然后使用 cURL POST 将其发送到 eBay 的 API 端点。您需要通过一些 headers 以获得 API 凭据,但这都包含在 eBay 的一般“Making a Call”文档中。

我创建了一个 SDK,使人们能够在他们的 PHP 项目中使用 eBay API。如果您熟悉 Composer,可以安装它,

php composer.phar require dts/ebay-sdk-trading   

下面的示例显示了如何使用 SDK 调用 AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner。有关 SDK 的更多信息也 available.

 * Include the SDK by using the autoloader from Composer.
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

 * The namespaces provided by the SDK.
use \DTS\eBaySDK\Constants;
use \DTS\eBaySDK\Trading\Services;
use \DTS\eBaySDK\Trading\Enums;
use \DTS\eBaySDK\Trading\Types;

 * Create the service object with the following configuration.
 * authToken  The token that authenticates your request on behalf of a user. 
 *            For this example it will be for the seller. 
 *            See the eBay guide for more information on tokens.
 *            http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/guides/ebayfeatures/Basics/Tokens.html
 * apiVersion The API version that your application supports.
 *            Since this can change see the release notes to obtain the current version.
 *            http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/XML/docs/ReleaseNotes.html
 * siteId     The numerical id for the site that you want to send the request to.
 *            For this example it will be the site that the seller is registered on.
 *            A complete list of IDs can be found at,
 *            http://developer.ebay.com/devzone/finding/Concepts/SiteIDToGlobalID.html 
 * sandbox    Optional configuration. Set to true to use the sandbox API. 
 *            If this option is not included or is set to false the production API will be used.
 * For more configuration options see http://devbay.net/sdk/guides/trading/
$service = new Services\TradingService(array(
    'authToken' => 'AUTH TOKEN',
    'apiVersion' => '903',
    'siteId' => Constants\SiteIds::US,
    'sandbox' => true

 * Create the request object.
 * Note how the properties on the object match those found in the documentation 
 * for AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner.
 * http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/xml/docs/Reference/ebay/AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner.html
$request = new Types\AddMemberMessageAAQToPartnerRequestType();
 * The id of the listing that the message is regarding.
$request->ItemID = 'ITEM ID';

$request->MemberMessage = new Types\MemberMessageType();
$request->MemberMessage->QuestionType = Enums\QuestionTypeCodeType::C_GENERAL;
 * The eBay ID of the buyer that the message is for.
 * Note that the API allows you to send the same message to multiple buyers.
 * Multiple request values are handled as arrays by the SDK hence using [] when specifying the buyer.
$request->MemberMessage->RecipientID[] = 'EBAY ID';
$request->MemberMessage->EmailCopyToSender = true;
$request->MemberMessage->Subject = 'A test message';
$request->MemberMessage->Body = 'This is a test message';

 * Send the request.
$response = $service->addMemberMessageAAQtoPartner($request);

 * Display any errors or warnings that the API may have returned.
if (isset($response->Errors)) {
    foreach ($response->Errors as $error) {
        printf("%s: %s\n%s\n\n",
            $error->SeverityCode === Enums\SeverityCodeType::C_ERROR ? 'Error' : 'Warning',

if ($response->Ack !== 'Failure') {
  print("Message sent\n");