Solidity 中的修饰符和对值的访问

Modifiers in Solidity and access to values


Inside a modifier, you can access all the values (variables and arguments) visible to the modified function. In this case, we can access the owner variable, which is declared within the contract. However, the inverse is not true: you cannot access any of the modifier’s variables inside the modified function.”

如果使用 "view" 范围声明函数,则该函数可以只读方式访问 "owner" 等全局变量。但是,修饰符无法写入 "owner"。




contract token {
    uint owner;
    function foo(uint fooval) bar(fooval) view public{
    // this function is "view" so the modifier bar can only read owner at most
    // also, we can pass fooval on to the modifier

        uint infoo;
        infoo = owner;

    modifier bar(uint barval) {
        uint hold;
        if (barval > 100) {
           // owner = 101; // not allowed, since foo is "view"
           hold = owner; // this is ok because foo is at least "view"