
Simple combinatorics: Number of ways to pair up elements


It's the end of the year, and finally Rafael is graduating in his Computing course. His classmates decided to celebrate the graduation organizing a ball, where there would be live music, food and free drinks. As all balls, the most expected moment is the one in which everyone starts to dance in pairs.

The pairs will be formed between a boy and a girl, and as Rafael's classmates are so shy, that they decided to plan ahead what the pairs would be. There is only one problem: there are more boys than girls in the class. This implies that, if everyone wants to dance at least once, one or more girls will have to dance with more than one boy.

Rafael asked your help: in how many ways the pairs can be formed, in such a way that all the boys dance exactly once, and all the girls dance at least once





让我们假设我们知道 b 男孩和 g 女孩的可能性 S(b, g) 的数量。然后一个新男孩来了。我们要计算S(b+1, g)


  1. 将这个新男孩与一个已经有至少一个伴侣的女孩配对 -> 我们有 g * S(b,g) 种可能性
  2. 以独特的方式将这个新男孩与一个女孩配对 -> 我们有 g * S(b, g-1) 种可能性


 S(b, g) = g * (S(b-1, g) + S(b-1, g-1))


S(b=g, g) = g!
S(b, 1) = 1
