当查询包含不同的 order by 和 inner join 时,如何避免 Union All 中的 TempTable?

How To Avoid TempTable in Union All when queries contain DIFFERENT order by and inner join?

我想做的是始终将数量为 0 的产品发送到已排序的温度的末尾Table而不丢失当前排序(如我在下面的问题How to send Zero Qty Products to the end of a PagedList<Products>?)

我有一个 Sorted temptable 已填充(它按用户选择的内容排序,如字母、价格或较新的产品,排序基于身份 ID):

CREATE TABLE #DisplayOrderTmp 
    [Id] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [ProductId] int NOT NULL

sorted #DisplayOrderTmp :
|     id     |  ProductId    |  
|     1      |     66873     |  // Qty is 0
|     2      |     70735     |  // Qty is not 0
|     3      |     17121     |  // Qty is not 0
|     4      |     48512     |  // Qty is not 0
|     5      |     51213     |  // Qty is 0


我返回的数据应该是这样的(排序没有改变,只是 0 数量的产品按顺序排到了列表末尾):

CREATE TABLE #DisplayOrderTmp4 
    [Id] int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [ProductId] int NOT NULL
|     id     |  ProductId    |  
|     1      |     70735     |  
|     2      |     17121     |  
|     3      |     48512     | 
|     4      |     66873     |   
|     5      |     51213     |  

P.S:这是我的产品Table,我必须在内部加入 tmptable 才能找到产品数量。

    Product Table is like this :
    |     id     |   stockqty    | DisableBuyButton |
    |   17121    |      1        |         0        | 
    |   48512    |      27       |         0        |     
    |   51213    |      0        |         1        |
    |   66873    |      0        |         1        |
    |   70735    |      11       |         0        |

到目前为止我尝试过的是:(它工作 有延迟并且有性能问题我几乎有 30k 产品

INSERT INTO #DisplayOrderTmp2 ([ProductId])
        SELECT p2.ProductId
        FROM  #DisplayOrderTmp p2  with (NOLOCK) // it's already sorted table
        INNER JOIN Product prd with (NOLOCK) 
        ON p2.ProductId=prd.Id  
        and prd.DisableBuyButton=0     // to find product with qty more than 0
        group by p2.ProductId  order by min(p2.Id) // to save current ordering

INSERT INTO #DisplayOrderTmp3 ([ProductId])     
        SELECT p2.ProductId     
        FROM  #DisplayOrderTmp p2  with (NOLOCK) //it's already sorted table    
        INNER JOIN Product prd with (NOLOCK)
        ON p2.ProductId=prd.Id  
        and prd.DisableBuyButton=1    // to find product with qty equal to 0
        group by p2.ProductId  order by min(p2.Id) // to save current ordering

        INSERT INTO #DisplayOrderTmp4 ([ProductId]) // finally Union All this two data
          SELECT p2.ProductId FROM  
          #DisplayOrderTmp2 p2  with (NOLOCK)  // More than 0 qty products with saved ordering

        UNION ALL 

        SELECT p2.ProductId   FROM 
        #DisplayOrderTmp3 p2  with (NOLOCK)  //  0 qty products with saved ordering

Is there any way To Avoid creating TempTable in this query? send 0 quantity products of first temptable to the end of data-list without creating three other tempTable , without loosing current ordering based by Identity ID. My query has performance problem.

我不得不再说一遍,temptable 有一个身份插入 ID 列,它是基于用户传递给存储过程的排序类型进行排序的。 谢谢大家:)

您可以使用 ORDER BY 而无需使用 UNION ALL:

SELECT p2.ProductId
FROM #DisplayOrderTmp p2
JOIN Product prd
  ON p2.ProductId=prd.Id  
ORDER BY prd.DisableBuyButton, p2.id;

DisableBuyButton = 0 - qnt > 0 DisableBuyButton = 1 - qnt = 0

看来它只需要在 order by 中添加一些额外的东西。


SELECT tmp.ProductId
FROM #DisplayOrderTmp tmp
JOIN Product prd
  ON prd.Id = tmp.ProductId
 AND prd.DisableBuyButton IN (0,1)
ORDER BY IIF(prd.DisableBuyButton=0,1,2), tmp.id;

确保临时 table 有一个以 Id 作为前导列的索引或主键。这将有助于避免排序计划中的排序运算符:

CREATE TABLE #DisplayOrderTmp
    [Id] int NOT NULL,
    [ProductId] int NOT NULL

使用该索引,假设 ProductID 是 Product table 主键,您应该能够使用 UNION ALL 查询以合理的效率获得结果而无需额外的临时 tables :

WITH products AS (
    SELECT p2.Id, p2.ProductId, prd.stockqty, 1 AS seq
    FROM #DisplayOrderTmp p2
    JOIN Product prd
          ON p2.ProductId=prd.Id
    WHERE prd.stockqty > 0
    SELECT p2.Id, p2.ProductId, prd.stockqty, 2 AS seq
    FROM #DisplayOrderTmp p2
    JOIN Product prd
          ON p2.ProductId=prd.Id
    WHERE prd.stockqty = 0
SELECT ProductId
FROM products
ORDER BY seq, Id;

您在评论中提到您最终想要一个分页结果。这可以在 T-SQL 中通过将 OFFSETFETCH 添加到 ORDER BY 子句来完成,如下所示。但是,请注意,对大型结果集的分页会随着查询结果的深入而逐渐变慢。

WITH products AS (
    SELECT p2.Id, p2.ProductId, prd.stockqty, 1 AS seq
    FROM #DisplayOrderTmp p2
    JOIN Product prd
          ON p2.ProductId=prd.Id
    WHERE prd.stockqty > 0
    SELECT p2.Id, p2.ProductId, prd.stockqty, 2 AS seq
    FROM #DisplayOrderTmp p2
    JOIN Product prd
          ON p2.ProductId=prd.Id
    WHERE prd.stockqty = 0
SELECT ProductId
FROM products
ORDER BY seq, Id
OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNumber - 1) ROWS