在匿名内部声明 属性 的第三种语法是什么?

What is a third syntax for declaring a property inside an anonymous?

在匿名中声明 属性 的第三种语法是什么?

我正在阅读 CLR via C# 一书。我看到了以下摘录 (1):

The compiler supports two additional syntaxes for declaring a property inside an anonymous type where it can infer the property names and types from variables:

String Name = "Grant";
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
// Anonymous type with two properties
// 1. String Name property set to Grant
// 2. Int32 Year property set to the year inside the dt
var o2 = new { Name, dt.Year }; 

虽然前面几段作者介绍了以下用于创建匿名类型的语法 (2):

// Define a type, construct an instance of it, & initialize its properties
var o1 = new { Name = "Jeff", Year = 1964 }; 

因此,从上面的两个摘录中我得出结论,有一种语法用于在匿名类型中声明 属性 和另外两种语法。虽然书中介绍了一种附加语法,但我仍然没有看到书中介绍了第二种附加语法。



... supports two additional ...




You create anonymous types by using the new operator together with an object initializer.

描述了对象初始化语法 here。是这样的语法:

{ PropertyName = value, ... }


If you do not specify member names in the anonymous type, the compiler gives the anonymous type members the same name as the property being used to initialize them.


new {[PropertyName =] value, ...}

如果值为 属性,则 PropertyName = 部分是可选的。 (字段呢?)。
