如何使用 js 使 "mode" 在刷新页面后仍保持不变

how to make a "mode" stay even after you refresh the page, using js


// A collection of elements to which the tripleclick event is bound.
var elems = $([]),

    // Initialize the clicks counter and last-clicked timestamp.
    clicks = 0,
    last = 0;

// Click speed threshold, defaults to 500.
$.tripleclickThreshold = 500;

// Special event definition.
$.event.special.tripleclick = {
    setup: function(){
        // Add this element to the internal collection.
        elems = elems.add( this );

        // If this is the first element to which the event has been bound,
        // bind a handler to document to catch all 'click' events.
        if ( elems.length === 1 ) {
            $(document).bind( 'click', click_handler );
    teardown: function(){
        // Remove this element from the internal collection.
        elems = elems.not( this );

        // If this is the last element removed, remove the document 'click'
        // event handler that "powers" this special event.
        if ( elems.length === 0 ) {
            $(document).unbind( 'click', click_handler );

// This function is executed every time an element is clicked.
function click_handler( event ) {
    var elem = $(event.target);

    // If more than `threshold` time has passed since the last click, reset
    // the clicks counter.
    if ( event.timeStamp - last > $.tripleclickThreshold ) {
        clicks = 0;

    // Update the last-clicked timestamp.
    last = event.timeStamp;

    // Increment the clicks counter. If the counter has reached 3, trigger
    // the "tripleclick" event and reset the clicks counter to 0. Trigger
    // bound handlers using triggerHandler so the event doesn't propagate.
    if ( ++clicks === 3 ) {
        elem.trigger( 'tripleclick' );
        clicks = 0;


    $("#SNLCK").on("tripleclick", function()

在我的网站上有一个按钮,用于设置某种 "display mode", 当用户连续按下它3次时,它使导航栏消失。



我想让 "display mode" 保持不变,即使用户会刷新页面, 在上面的代码中,当用户按下按钮 3 次时,导航栏消失了,但是当他刷新页面时,导航栏又会回来。 我怎样才能让它保持隐藏状态? 我需要添加什么?



    $("#SNLCK").on("tripleclick", function()

        // store a value to local storage;
            localStorage.setItem("tripleClickState", "1");
            localStorage.setItem("tripleClickState", "0");