用 query_string 拆分多个参数的最简单方法是什么?

Whats the simpelst way to split multiple paramters with query_string?

我正在用这样的 URL 呼叫代理:


代理'testagent'应该尽快获取参数值。我读到 'query_string' 应该这样做,但是代码变得很长,当我真的只想获得值 ONETWO.有没有更简单/更快的方法来获取这些值?

我的 Lotus 脚本代码如下所示:

Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim arg As String, p1 As Long

arg = s.DocumentContext.Query_String(0)
p1 = InStr(arg, "&")

If p1 = 0 Then
    Print "ERROR: No arugment."
    Exit Sub
    arg = LCase(Mid$(arg, p1 + 1))
    ' (more code): Split again the ARG to & (more code)
    ' (more code): Split the values again to =, after that fill the 2 element as param 1 (ONE) and param 2 (TWO)
End If



Function GetQuerystringParameters( strQueryString as String ) as Variant
  Dim varParams as Variant
  Dim lstrParams List as String
  varParams = Split( strQueryString, "&")
  Forall strParam in varParams
    If Instr(strParam, "=") > 0 then
      lstrParams( strtoken( strParam, "=", 1))= strtoken( strParam, "=", 2)
    End If
  End ForAll
  GetQuerystringParameters = lstrParams
End Function


Dim urlParams as Variant
Dim yourArg as String
urlParams = GetQuerystringParameters( arg )
If isElement( urlParams( "param1" ) ) then
  yourArg = urlParams( "param1" )
  Print "Error: no param1"
  Exit Sub
End If


编辑:我什至可能会从中制作一个 class 以进一步减少代码并使其更好地可重用:

Class UrlParameters
  Private lstrParams List as String
  Sub New( strQueryString as String )
    Call Me.GetParameters( strQueryString )
  End Sub
  Private Sub GetParameters( strQs as String )
    Dim varParams as Variant
    varParams = Split( strQs, "&")
    Forall strParam in varParams
      If Instr(strParam, "=") > 0 then
        Me.lstrParams( strtoken( strParam, "=", 1)) = strtoken( strParam, "=", 2)
      End If
    End ForAll
  End Sub
  Function getUrlParameter( strParam as String ) as String
    If Iselement(Me.lstrParams(strParam)) then
      getUrlParameter = Me.lstrParams(strParam)
      GetUrlParameter = ""
    End If
  End Function
End Class

你可以这样使用 class:

Dim myParams as UrlParameters
Set myParams = New UrlParameters( arg )
param1 = myParams.getUrlParameter("param1")
param2 = myParams.getUrlParameter("param2")

为了快速简单,请尝试对查询字符串的 DECODED 版本使用基本字符串处理:

'Get the decoded query string value and extract p1 and p2
arg = s.DocumentContext.Query_String_Decoded(0)
p1 = StrRight(arg, "param1=")
If instr(p1, "&") Then p1 = StrLeft(p1, "&")
p2 = StrRight(arg, "param2=")
If instr(p2, "&") Then p2 = StrLeft(p1, "&")

因此 p1="一" 和 p2="二"。解码的 CGI 变量应该为您处理任何字符编码。 (如果你不使用它,要么编写你自己的解码器,要么永远不要在你的参数中使用 non-alpanumeric 个字符)。


Function GetParam(arg, px) as astring
    GetParam = StrRight(arg, px & "=")
    If instr(GetParam, "&") Then GetParam = StrLeft(GetParam, "&")
End Function


arg = s.DocumentContext.Query_String_Decoded(0)
p1 = GetParam(arg, "param1")
p2 = GetParam(arg, "param2")
