如何每 5 秒执行一个子程序?

How to perform a subroutine every 5 seconds?

我有一个子程序来检查是否安装了磁盘, 我想知道如何让这个子程序总是每 5 秒 运行。


on checkMyDiskIsMounted()
        tell application "Finder"
            if exists disk "myDisk" then
                --do anything
                --do anything
            end if
        end tell
    end checkMyDiskIsMounted


  1. 马特

        -- code
        delay 5
    end repeat
  2. 带有 idle 处理程序的(保持打开状态)小程序

    on run
        -- do intialiations
    end run
    on idle
        -- code
        return 5
    end idle
  3. 像 red_menace

  4. 建议的 AppleScriptObjC 通知
  5. 观察 /Volumes 文件夹的已启动代理

赞成选项 3 和 4,它们以低廉的成本通知更改,不鼓励定期轮询的前两个选项。

使用 AppleScript 的 delay 命令、shell 实用程序(例如 sleep),甚至是紧密的重复循环都应该避免,因为它们往往会阻塞用户界面当他们 运行宁。

可以使用重复计时器来定期轮询,而不是浪费时间不断检查可能发生或可能不会发生的事情,可以使用 NSWorkspace,因为它会为此类事情提供通知(在其他人中)。它的工作方式是您的应用程序注册它感兴趣的特定通知,并在(如果)事件发生时调用指定的处理程序。

请注意,以下脚本包含语句,因此可以从脚本编辑器中 运行 作为示例 - 观察者已添加到应用程序实例中,并且会一直存在,直到它们被删除或应用程序被删除退出:

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions

on run -- or whatever initialization handler
    # set up notifications
    tell current application's NSWorkspace's sharedWorkspace's notificationCenter
        its addObserver:me selector:"volumeMounted:" |name|:(current application's NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification) object:(missing value)
        its addObserver:me selector:"volumeUnmounted:" |name|:(current application's NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification) object:(missing value)
    end tell
end run

on volumeMounted:aNotification -- do something on mount
    set volumeName to (NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey of aNotification's userInfo) as text
    display notification "The volume " & quoted form of volumeName & " was mounted." with title "Volume mounted" sound name "Hero" -- or whatever
end volumeMounted:

on volumeUnmounted:aNotification -- do something on unmount
    set volumeName to (NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey of aNotification's userInfo) as text
    display notification "The volume " & quoted form of volumeName & " was unmounted." with title "Volume unmounted" sound name "Funk" -- or whatever
end volumeUnmounted: