在 Spark Streaming 应用程序中加入数据的最佳方法是什么?

What is best approach to join data in spark streaming application?

问题:本质上它的意思是,不是 运行为每个流式记录连接 C* table,而是 运行 连接对于 spark streaming 中记录的每个微批次(micro-batching)?

我们几乎最终确定使用 spark-sql 2.4.x 版本,datastax-spark-cassandra-connector for Cassandra-3.x 版本。


对于流数据记录(即 streamingDataSet ),我需要从 Cassandra(C*) table.

中查找现有记录(即 cassandraDataset)

Dataset<Row> streamingDataSet = //kafka read dataset

Dataset<Row> cassandraDataset= //loaded from C* table those records loaded earlier from above.


Dataset<Row> joinDataSet = cassandraDataset.join(cassandraDataset).where(//somelogic)

进一步处理 joinDataSet 以实现业务逻辑...

In the above scenario, my understanding is ,for each record received from kafka stream it would query the C* table i.e. data base call.

Does not it take huge time and network bandwidth if C* table consists billions of records? What should be the approach/procedure to be followed to improve look up C* table ?

What is the best solution in this scenario ? I CAN NOT load once from C* table and look up as the data keep on adding to C* table ... i.e. new look ups might need newly persisted data.


如果您使用的是 Apache Cassandra,那么您只有一种可能可以有效地连接 Cassandra 中的数据 - 通过 RDD API's joinWithCassandraTable. The open source version of the Spark Cassandra Connector (SCC) supports only it, while in version for DSE, there is a code that allows to perform effective join against Cassandra also for Spark SQL - so-called DSE Direct Join。如果您在 Spark SQL 中使用 join 对抗 Cassandra table,Spark 将需要从 Cassandra 读取所有数据,然后执行连接 - 这非常慢。

我没有用于 Spark 结构化流连接的 OSS SCC 示例,但我有一些 "normal" 连接示例,例如 this:

CassandraJavaPairRDD<Tuple1<Integer>, Tuple2<Integer, String>> joinedRDD =
     trdd.joinWithCassandraTable("test", "jtest",
     someColumns("id", "v"), someColumns("id"),
     mapRowToTuple(Integer.class, String.class), mapTupleToRow(Integer.class));