Titan 启动失败:management.properties 未找到

Titan start fails: management.properties not found

我下载并解压了 titan.zip 并使用了命令 ./titan.sh -v start。现在我得到输出:

./titan.sh -v start Forking Cassandra... OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: The UseParNewGC flag is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release Running nodetool statusthrift.Error: Config file not found: /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.9.0-openjdk-1.9.0/jre/conf/management/management.properties ...... timeout exceeded (60 seconds) See /home/hausi/Documents/titan-0.5.4-hadoop2/bin/../log/cassandra.log for Cassandra log output.

文件 management.properties 在我的机器上不存在。我可以找到有关的任何信息。有必要运行泰坦吗?我怎样才能创建它?




如果我没看错的话,我认为答案是降级到 JDK7 或 JDK8。

Since the company behind Titan was bought, will the database development be stopped?

简短的回答是 "no" 并且该开发将继续。请阅读:
